Anna Scher-Drama Teacher or Religious Fanatic?
The Anti HARRY KRI (SCHER) NA Society | 05.07.2004 10:13 | Indymedia | London
It has come to our attention that Anna Scher has been inviting various religious groups along to her Friday evening classes currently being held at the hall of the Blessed Sacrament RC church, Copenhagen Street, Islington, London N1 and are aware that some of those attending this class are becoming fed up with listening to religious clap trap, so we thought it was right to give you all a chance to have your say here on the UK Indymedia site (London Newswire).
Some of us take the view that all religions are oppressive and that the Bible is full of what comes out of your backside/lies/deciet/betrayal/trechery/murder and death.
Examples can be found if you ever feel the need to read any of the rubbish in it starting from Cain and Abel, from then on it's war and more war, fighting, killing, mass drowning and a people massacred due to having a different religious opinion.
Our view at The Anti Harry Kri (Scher) Na Society is that if Anna wants to bring in those like the Hari Krishna's to the adult classes on a Friday evening then she should also allow those of the Rustafarian faith to attend, and don't forget the Jehovahs Witnesses so those of you in the class can really have a good laugh at there beliefs on giving blood to save another human beings life.
If this is the way Anna is taking her students on a journey of religious spiritualism then lets have all faiths along so that if there are any students there that would like to choose a faith to follow they'll have the oppertunity to choose from.
we say to all those students who are complaining on the London Newswire under the article ANNA SCHER JUSTICE RALLY (Friday 25th June) who are fed up with religion and just want to learn drama to stand up and speak out now.
Are You An Attendee Of The Anna's Friday Evening Class? Y or N ?
Are You Fed Up With Religious Clap Trap? Y or N ?
A Drama Class or a Religious Group? Y or N ?
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The Anti HARRY KRI (SCHER) NA Society
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