Manipulated consensus
Shut down the Olympic Spectacle - shut down the hype | 22.06.2004 12:36
...Orwell talked of the "proles" or "proletarians", which made up around 85% of the
Orwellian population. They were the unthinking masses and the authorities looked
upon them as cattle, just as they do today. They didn´t suffer the level of surveillance
of those considered intellectually dangerous because they didn´t question anything.
Then there was "prolefeed", the brain-numbing 'entertainment' and made-up 'news'
for the masses to keep them dumbed down and incapable of free thought. Spot on.
There was also the "unperson", someone removed from circulation and all files until
he or she officially ceased to exist. To talk about an unperson was a thoughtcrime,
just as to highlight the suffering, indignity and injustice imposed upon the inmates of
Guantanamo Bay is considered to be "supporting the terrorists". Anything in any
publication that put the Orwellian government in a bad light was described in Newspeak
as "malreported" or "malquoted" because the authorities were never wrong. We are
also now seeing the Orwellian 'anti-terrorism' programmes being introduced to
encourage and reward the public to spy on each other and report their neighbours,
workmates, clients and even fellow students to the authorities. Orwell´s nightmare
world is not coming, it´s here.
Erasing history
History may not seem to be all that important to control, but it is. By studying history
you can compare the assumptions and values of the world you are experiencing. As
Orwell put it. "Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present
controls the past." In fact all three are happening together, but his point is valid in the way history is perceived in this reality. The Illuminati have always sought to re-write history. The destruction and removal of the unique historical treasures and texts in the museums of Iraq was part of that. One of the tasks of the Orwell character called
Winston is to invent a biography of a fictional soldier named Ogilvy, who can then be
honoured by Big Brother in a public address. After writing the description of Ogilvy´s
life, Winston marvels at how "once the act of forgery[is]forgotten, [Ogilvy will] exist
just as authentically, and upon the same evidence, as Charlemagne or Julius Caesar".
It is the same principle as faking the history of what happened to Private Jessica Lynch
or the real story of 9/11. By presenting a false version of September 11th, which is now
official history, a whole series of events have taken place, including mass slaughter,
because the people have overwhelmingly accepted the lie. Look at American propaganda
about its own history. The people are taught about the glorious victories and how their
nation has always been the bastion of freedom, justice and morality. This fabrication
colours the way many Americans view themselves and the actions of their government
today. "We don´t need telling that we are going to war to liberate Iraq and bring freedom
and justice - that´s what we have been doing since this great nation was formed." The true
history of the 'liberators', the United States and Britain, is one of breathtaking, grotesque, exploitation, imposition and mass murder on a scale that beggars belief.
The US record on human rights is a disgrace and yet its official history emphasises its
wonderful record of giving freedom to the oppressed. Even today, America jails five to
ten times more of its people per head of population than any of the developed countries -
some seven times more than China. The United Nations even removed the US from its
Human Rights Committee. Such is the delusion through the faking of US history that
Texas representative, Dick Armey, gave this response to the UN decision: "It reduces
the United Nations to a farce when they expel the champion of human rights."
No, it reduces your knowledge of your own country´s history to a farce to believe
for a moment that this is the case. If the truth about America and Britain was in the
official historical record it would be so much more difficult to sell the lie to the people when another country is due to be 'liberated' by extermination. Replacing Oldspeak with Newspeak is also designed to eventually prevent the reading of historical accounts
through loss of the language and even the need to censor history will be eliminated.
They manipulate the media? No. They own it!
The Illuminati have been fast increasing their control of the global media by acquistion
and merger, and through destroying the opposition by denying non-Illuminati operations
the advertising that they also control. This is crucial to their goal of brainwashing the
population through hypnosis, Newspeak and the suppression of alternative views.
The American media is basically owned by five groups, all of which, through the
Illuminati, are connected to the same agenda and you find the same in other countries.
The biggest US media giant is AOL-Time Warner and look at some of the holdings of this
company...(can you imagine?)...
...AOL-Time Warner is followed in size by Disney, Viacom, Vivendi Universal(which merged
with the Bronfman family´s Seagram) and Rupert Murdoch´s News Corporation. This
network dominates television, movies and publishing...
...Michael Powell, the son of Colin Powell, and head of the US Federal Communications
Commission, is seeking to still further increase the share of the media that one company
can own and Tony Blair is doing this in Britain. Both are serving their hidden masters.
With this level of media control, imagine the potential for programming the people with
the same lies and disinformation; the same conditioned view of reality; the same Newspeak
and subliminals. Imagine, too, the potential for the suppression of information and views
that challenge and expose the official lies. When Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade
Center Disaster was published, copies were sent to every major television programme, radio
station and newspaper in Britain and America. It is an exposé of the lies surrounding 9/11
and yet of all those media organisations only one, the Sunday Herald in Scotland,
contacted me. Even then they wrote a story about me that did not mention the content of the book. Such is our free society.
The Illuminati dictate the policy and view of almost all areas of society. Often through their 'charity foundations', they fund 'scientific' research(insisting what the outcome will be before the money is handed over - see And the Truth Shall Set You Free). This aims to hold the scientific party line about the nature of reality. They also own the pharmaceutical cartel that funds the 'medical' system training the doctors and dispensing their lethal drugs and destructive vaccines. They own the transnational 'food' corporations that dictate what the people eat. They own the drinks corporations that decide what the people drink. They own the oil supplies and power companies on which modern society depends. All these aspects of Illuminati control are coordinated from a central point to lay siege to our bodies, minds and freedom of choice. But by far the most vital strand in that web is the ownership of the media to dictate what the people think. It is through the mind and emotions that the game is played with the subconscious reality the number one target. I have long been exposing the central ownership of these apparently unconnected areas of society and at last far more people are beginning to see it.
- Tales from the Timeloop. Author: David Icke
Shut down the Olympic Spectacle - shut down the hype