How do people use Indymedia Oxford?
Marieke | 16.06.2004 13:56 | Indymedia | Oxford
Below you find a short questionnaire with questions on the use of the Indymedia site. We would like to ask you if you would be willing to fill out this questionnaire. It will take approximately 5 to 10 minutes of your time.
This questionnaire is part of a survey on Indymedia, held by the Department of Communication, University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. In this survey, the IMCs of Oxford, Belgium and the Netherlands are compared with regard to content, organization of the sites and users. Objective of this survey is to gain insight into how this innovative form of alternative media functions.
You can fill out the questionnaire anonymously. All collected materials will be dealt with confidentially and will not be used outside the scope of this survey.
The questionnaire starts with a number of general questions on your media use and political preference. Subsequently, a number of questions on your use of the site will be asked, followed by a number of statements on which you are asked to give your opinion.
In the case you have any questions or remarks, please do not hesitate to contact us: MJ Jansen or + 31 (0)24 36 12348.
Thank you very much in advance. We really appreciate your help.