Millions of Iraqis Enjoying their New-Found Freedom
Guy | 07.06.2004 21:38 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World
Since the freeing of the Iraqi people (by US-led coalition forces), many new jobs have been popping up around Iraq. Many Iraqis, who previously were out of work, are now having almost no problem finding jobs in this booming new market. "The celebration of finding a job is the celebration of our liberation" said Baghdad resident Sikri al-Shaeff.
"I can't wait to work in a Nike shoe factory," said al-Shaeff's wife. "Sure, I'll have to wear a facial covering, as demanded by Islamic law, and I'll be paid very low wages, wages so low it may feel like slavery... But I'll be free! I'll be free from the horrors of Saddam Hussein!"
"I can't believe the Americans did all of this for us," said al-Shaeff's oldest son, Sudra, age seven. "Thanks to the Americans, I am now free to work in dangerous conditions for extremely low pay. Thank you George W. Bush!"
Other Baghdad residents were not as optimistic as Mr. al-Saeff or his family. "Thanks a lot, America! We liked Saddam more than [Gap-Old Navy president] Paul Pressler. He was a lot less oppressive." said twenty-seven year-old Ahnra Ben Suden. Thirty-four year-old Zihra al-Kairi said that he was "unsure" about the new jobs being created in his country. "I'm not sure about how I feel about this American capitalist greed that is enveloping my country."
Well the Iraqis themselves are unsure, one thing is for sure, more cheap labor means lower prices on Old Navy Fleece. OH, YEAH, BABY!