Bristol STW Regional News : 7th June 2004 (VIRTUAL VERSION)
Bristol-Stop-The-War | 07.06.2004 01:30 | Social Struggles
DAY OF ACTION: 30th June (part of a week of action) Sections 5, 6, 7
NOTE: Please see Sections 9 & 10 for more Bristol & Regional events.
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* New Section... ^ Updated Section...
~ Bristol / Regional Events... + National / International Events...
01) *~+ Bristol Reports: 'Building Bridges With Iraq'
02) *~ Film/Talk: '...Apartheid In Palestine': 9th June
03) ^~ Open Talk: 'The Unheard Colombia': 10th June
04) *~ Daytime Workshop: 'Peak Oil...': 19th June
05) *~+ WEEK OF ACTIONS: 26th June - 4th July
06) ^~+ DAY OF ACTION: 'Hand Back Iraq': 30th June
07) * + Menwith Hill Annual Demonstration: 4th July
08) * Report: Gulf War Veteran On Hunger Strike
09) *~ MORE Bristol & Bath Events During June
10) *~ MORE Regional Events During June & July
11) ^ News: 'The View From Hubbert's Peak'
12) ~ Local Peace Vigils & Planning Meetings
13) ^ Bristol & Regional MESSAGE BOARDS
a) 'From Bristol To Kirkuk' b) Bristol & 'Child Victims Of War'
INTRODUCTION: Over the years, & well before, Bristol people have been going over to Iraq, Palestine, Colombia, & many other places, to build bridges & contacts with people & communities in the war torn countries occupied, invaded or riddled with state sponsored death squads our governments always seem so complicit in.
a) 'FROM BRISTOL TO KIRKUK' : Sami Velioglu lives in the UK & has family in Kirkuk (north Iraq). Sami is in Iraq setting up an independent humanitarian aid centre. Last summer, Bristol activists raised funds to fill an ambulance with medical supplies & drive it to Iraq. Over £4000 has been now raised, & Sami now needs your help to turn this link into a permanent bridge between Iraq & Bristol.
Sami left Bristol earlier this month, bound for Kirkuk, this time with 2 vans of medical
supplies. Unfortunately, at the Greek border there was a problem with the 2nd driver's
passport & the authorities would not let him continue. This meant Sami had to leave one van in Greece, then take the other by boat to Turkey, & drive to Iraq, before returning the journey, & incurring huge toll charges at each border.
Before leaving Sami said: "I am setting up the Humanitarian Liaison Centre in Kirkuk as a pilot project. There are a lot of people who have many problems that need to be addressed. At the moment people wait outside US bases from 8am to 4pm. So what I am setting up is an advice bureau. People can tell us what has happened, & they can then be recorded properly & presented to the authorities."
HOW YOU CAN HELP: "To make a donation please make cheques payable to 'Peace Direct (a charity woking in war-torn countries) with 'SAMI' written on the back. POST TO: 39a Lancaster Grove, London, NW3 4HB. Alternatively you can make donations by credit card by calling 0845 456 9714. No money is taken for admin, with all the money going to Kirkuk." LINK:
b) BRISTOL & 'CHILD VICTIMS OF WAR' : 'Child Victims Of War' is a new network for anyone, across the political spectrum, who wants to help. Recently, Joanne Baker, who has family & children in Bristol, returned from a delegation to Iraq which, amongst many other things, has been testing for Depleted Uranium (DU) poisoning amongst Iraqi children, from the use of uranium in US weapons systems.
A Good Link:
"Child Victims of War had a successful press launch at the House of Commons on 12th May. Many people are concerned with the use of uranium in US weapons. Dr Caroline Lucas, Green MEP, who visited Iraq prior to the war, was devastated by the numbers of children with cancers & leukaemia, & said women were afraid to give birth. She mentioned a study on eye problems in Iraq. Some children are born with just one eye in the middle of their forehead known as 'cyclops' syndrome. Dr Hari Sharma, he had recorded DU in the lung, kidney & liver of dead civilians. It is very important that air & soil samples are taken in Iraq as soon as possible.
Joanne Baker spoke of life in general, which is worse than under Saddam & sanctions, due to pervading fear, insecurity & chronic poverty. There is mass unemployment & many men have been killed or interned, leaving women to fend alone. With rising prices & no-longer any subsidies, survival is increasingly hard. Malnutrition in children is rising & birth weight is decreasing. Electricity is erratic, with contaminated water, & no infrastructure has been repaired. Pools of sewage are everywhere, as are piles of domestic rubbish. A Christian Aid survey of a poor area of Baghdad, showed that two-thirds of poor children no longer go to school."
Our Website Is Under Construction:
HOW YOU CAN HELP: "It is vital we set up an office in Baghdad to document abuses of the rights of the child, & to train people in human rights law & data collection. The office will also be used to administer projects for children injured & sick due to cluster bombs & DU. If you're interested in setting up a support group in the UK we can supply speakers, leaflets, posters & photos, but at the moment we urgently need funds. Even the smallest donations are of the greatest help."
CONTACTS: To make a donation please make cheques payable to 'Child Victims of War'. Standing Order forms are also available. Post To: Child Victims of War, 17 Anstey St, Bristol BS5 6DG. Tel: 0208 567 4237
Full Title: 'Resisting The Apartheid Wall In Palestine'.
Please also see events in 'Section 8' for a Palestine Benefit on the 26th June to buy
medical aid, & another eyewitness report from Palestine, also on June 9th.
DATE: Wed 9th June. TIME: 6:45-8:45pm. FREE ENTRY. VENUE: Malcolm X
Centre. Corner of Ashley Rd & City Rd, St Pauls, Bristol. MAP BELOW:
ABOUT URI AYALON: "Uri Ayalon is a journalist & facilitator at the school of peace in Neve-Shalom Wahat al-Salam. In the last few Months he has participated in civil protest against the 'Separation Fence'. He will be giving a talk & showing a film about the Wall & the new kind of Israeli-Palestinian demonstrations against it.
BACKGROUND TO THE WALL: "The Israeli Apartheid wall is being built deep within the Palestinian territories. It zigzags through 10 out of the 11 West Bank districts. The Wall annexes nearly 50% of the West Bank & destroys all continuity of Palestinian life in the region. The Wall begins in the north & runs through to the north of Jerusalem. The Wall is not being built on the 1967 borders, & at points reaches 16 km deep into the heart of the West Bank to annex Israeli settlements. After cutting through neighborhoods in East Jerusalem, the Wall picks up by Bethlehem & continues south to Hebron. In eastern West Bank a 2nd wall begins in the northern West Bank &, running somewhat parallel to the 1st annexes the Jordan Valley, & extends south to Jerusalem where it connects with the 1st Wall."
Related Links: &
ORGANISED BY: "ISM (International Solidarity Movement) is a Palestinian-led movement of Palestinian & International activists working to raise awareness of then struggle for Palestinian freedom & an end to Israeli occupation. We utilize non-violent, direct-action methods of resistance to confront & challenge illegal Israeli occupation forces & policies. As enshrined in international law & UN resolutions, we recognize the Palestinian right to resist Israeli violence & occupation"
Bristol Contact: 07813 702554. Website:
Full Title: "The Unheard Colombia: Voices From The Social Movements"
Organised by Colombia Solidarity Campaign & Bristol Stop the War Coalition
DATE: Thu 10th June. TIME: 7:30-9:00pm. FREE ENTRY. VENUE: St. Mary on the Quay Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave. (Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:
SPEAKERS: Mario Angulo: Process of Black Communities ~ Miriam Ruiz: Christian Base Communities ~ Diego Escobar: Judicial Public Servants Union
^ LATEST NEWS: "At 7:30pm on Sun 2nd May 2004 two explosive devices were detonated in the building belonging to Minercol, in the centre of Bogota, where the headquarters of Sintraminercol the union of workers for the state mining corporation Minercol is located. The blast shattered Windows & destroyed equipment, files & part of the offices of the cooperative. This attack occurred as the workers are mounting a fight back against liquidation of Minercol, & surrendering of mining & petrol resources to the multinationals. Denouncements by the union have demonstrated the responsibility of the national government & multinationals in the violations of human rights of workers, small farming communities, afrocolombian communities & indigneous peoples that inhabit zones rich in natural resources."
BACKGROUND: "There are 7000+ political assassinations every year in Colombia as activists resist the privatisation of all aspects of life. Many UK activists have become aware of the struggles of Colombian trade unionists, but less is known of the struggles of black, indigenous, Christian, students & community organisations that resist world bank, IMF, & Colombian government economic reforms. Come & hear from Colombian activists & help make the invisible struggles visible."
ABOUT THE CSC: "The Colombia Solidarity Campaign is an anti-imperialist organisation, campaigning for a socially just & sustainable peace in Colombia."
Organisers Link: Tel: 07743 743041
UK Address: Colombia Solidarity Campaign, PO Box 8446, London N17 6NZ
Bristol Tour Contacts: &
(Please also see 'Section 13' for an online 'Peak Oilers' group for Bristolians)
"Everyone knows the oil world is in turmoil. Few people understand, however, that the world is on the brink of an energy crisis that is going to redefine the way we live, forever. As Blair & the rest of our so-called ‘leaders’ show no signs of preparing us for what lies ahead, we have no choice but to learn from (& teach!) each other."
(Please also see 'Section 11' for a clear and well written news story)
DATE: Sat 19th June. FREE ENTRY. Everyone's Welcome. Tea, coffee & snacks will be provided. The Cafe & the Farm Pub will be open for lunch.
TIME: 10:00am-3:00pm. VENUE: Community Room, St. Werburghs City Farm, Watercress Rd, St. Werburghs, Bristol BS2. MAP BELOW:
AIMS OF THE DAY: We will loosely divide the day into 2 segments... i) 'peak oil': what is it? & what can we expect? ~ ii) what do we do about it? local & global responses. ~ There will be 2 or 3 short talks during each segment, including: geological aspects (evidence oil is running out.) ~ prospects for alternatives. ~ overview of key economic & social implications. ~ ramifications for food production & distribution. ~ ways families, communities, & the world can soften the blow.
A Good Background Link:
BACKGROUND: "Global discovery of oil peaked in the 1960s. Global oil production will peak in the foreseeable future. According to many informed estimates, the peak should occur before 2010, & may already have peaked in the year 2000. Once the global peak in production is reached, or passed, there will still be plenty of petroleum in the ground - roughly one trillion barrels - but every year it will be difficult or impossible to pump as much as the year before. A transitional era of dwindling energy supplies, resource wars, & industrial collapse has arrived."
A Good Background Link:
ORGANISED BY: "The ‘Peak Oil’ workshop has been set up by a few concerned Bristolians to provide a public forum for learning about the energy crisis, & the transition to a post-carbon society. Offers to speak, help, plan, publicise, or run the workshop would be massively appreciated." Email:
Related Link: 'Voices In the Wilderness' have called for a week of protests, non-violent direct action & occupations to expose the bogus 30th June 'power transfer' in Iraq. This is to complement the DAY Of PROTEST called by STWC for 30th June. 'Voices' was formed in 1996, & has campaigned against economic & military warfare against the Iraqi people. Please plan your actions now!
THE REALITY: ('See 'Section 6' for a more detailed account). The US/UK military occupation will continue & the US will even remain in control of the Iraqi army. Tony
Blair recently claimed the Interim iraqi Govermnment (IIG) will posess some form of veto power over at least some of actions of 'coalition' forces (Guardian, 26 May) but was immediately contradicted by US Secretary of State Colin Powell, who stated that '...US forces remain under US command & will do what is necessary to protect themselves'. (Independent, 26 May) In other words, they'll do whatever they want.
THE NEW SECRET POLICE: The US has budgeted $3bn to fund a new secret police force for Iraq which ‘the Pentagon & CIA have told the White House… will allow America to maintain control over the.. country’ (Sunday Telegraph, 4 Jan).
GET YOUR ACTION PACK! : An action pack - including further info on the 30 June handover, & advice on press work, places to occupy & the law - will be available shortly, as will a pool of speakers & non-violent direct action (NVDA) trainers. Non-violent occupations, such as an occupation of your pro-war MPs office, the office of a corporate war-profiteer, army recruitment office, etc, are especially encouraged.
FOR A FREE COPY CONTACT: Voices in the Wilderness UK, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX. Tel. 0207 837 0561. E-mail:
For Extra On-line Resources:
For a list of Anti-Occupation Actions:
WHY THIS MATTERS: Since the occupation will continue, so will the pattern of repression identified by Amnesty International earlier this year: Iraqis shot dead during demonstrations; arbitrary arrests & indefinite detention without charge; house demolitions & collective punishment; & torture & ill-treatment of detainees (Iraq: One
Year On, 18 March 2004) - a pattern which has escalated recently with the killing of over 600 people in Fallujah, ‘the vast majority were women, children & elderly’ according to the director of the towns general hospital (Guardian, 12 April). Furthermore the propaganda that the occupation has somehow ‘ended’ will be used as a weapon to undermine opposition to the invasion & occupation."
The next UN resolution hangs in the air, but nothing of substance will be given up by
the US. ^ REVISED BRISTOL PLAN: Meet by the Bristol Peace Vigil @5:30 - 6:30pm (Opposite Hippodrome, St. Augustines Parade) for an Open Microphone session, & City Centre Protest. We've made this change as we want to give everyone who wants to speak a chance to, so do come along. MAP BELOW:
Please also plan your own actions for this day, in your place of work, school or amongst your own circle of friends. Whatever size or form your protest takes, everything has an effect, & the impacts of your actions will be felt along the line.
HOW THE U.S WILL RETAIN POWER IN IRAQ: "Paul Bremer (US Occupation Chief) has unveiled a slew of tricks to hold on to power after 30th June 'handover'. In March, Bremer passed a law opening Iraq's economy to foreign ownership - that Iraq's government is prohibited from changing under the interim constitution. For instance, threats to cancel licences the coalition awarded to foreign consortia to operate 3 mobile networks & the national broadcaster, will be prevented."
US REDESIGN OF IRAQ'S INFRASTRUCTURE: "The $18.4bn the US government is spending on reconstruction will be administered by its Iraq embassy. To be spent over 5 years, the money will redesign Iraq's basic infrastructure. David Nash, head of the Project Management Office, describes the $18.4bn as 'a gift from the American people'. Remember the part about gifts being something you give up?"
ONGOING US OCCUPATION: "US engineers have begun construction on 14 'enduring bases' in Iraq, to house the 110,000 soldiers who will be posted for at least 2 more years. Even though the bases are being built with no mandate from an Iraqi government, Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, deputy chief of operations, called them 'a blueprint for how we could operate in the Middle East."
US CONTROL OF IRAQ¹S SECURITY FORCES: "Bremer has issued an executive order stating the Iraqi army will answer to US command. Washington is relying on a legalistic reading of a clause in UN security council resolution 1511, which puts US forces in charge of Iraq's security until 'completion of the political process'. Since the 'political process' is never-ending, so it seems is US military control."
US APPOINTED NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: "The Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) will further constrain the Iraqi military by appointing a national security adviser for Iraq. This US appointee, with powers equivalent to those held by Condoleeza Rice, will stay in office for a 5 year term, long after Iraq is scheduled to have made the transition to a democratically elected government.
IRAQ CAN RUN THE HOSPITALS: "The US will hold onto authority over Iraq's armed forces,
economic policy & design of its infrastructure - & the Iraqis will be left to deal with
their decrepit hospitals, chronic drug shortages & lack of basic sanitation capacity. US health secretary, Tommy Thompson, revealed just how low a priority hospitals were when he commented that Iraq's hospitals would be fixed if Iraqis 'just washed their hands & cleaned the crap off the walls'."
(In Gratitude To The Beautiful Katherine Gunn, GCHQ Whistle Blower.)
Come in you ball gown, costume, bring banners, or just come as you are.
DATE: Sun 4th July. TIME: 12noon - 5:00pm. INCLUDES: Speakers (tbc) ~ Live Music ~ Guided Tour Of The Base ~ Drum Workshop ~ Vegetarian & Vegan Food.
BACKGROUND: "On 4th July 1776 the US declared it's Independence. 228 years later the UK is colonised by a network of US bases. 'No-one concerned about civil liberties can ignore Menwith Hill. It is not accountable to MPs & therefore not to the British people.' Alice Mahon Labour MP. Menwith Hill is run by the National Security Agency. The NSA was set up by Presidential decree in 1952 without debate in the US Congress. A 1997 European Parliament report said civil liberties are threatened by NSA Menwith Hill, which intercepts communications from around the world. Information goes directly to Fort Meade, Maryland, in the US. The British government is given information on a 'need-to-know' basis via GCHQ, Cheltenham."
Read More About Menwith Hill:
LATEST NEWS: "In defiance of a High Court injunction forbidding her to camp outside the Base, Helen John is camping full-time outside Menwith Hill. The camp is on the lay-by opposite the Black Bull pub on the A59 Harrogate - Skipton Road.
Already she has had considerable publicity in the press, radio & TV. Menwith Hill Women's Peace Camp - first formed in 1993 -was evicted in August 1999, but they are still able to protest during the day, as long as they do not stay overnight." Please get in touch to find out how to support to Helen, & the camp. POST: Women's Peace Camp, PO Box 105, Harrogate HG3 2FE. TEL: 01943 468593 Email:
TRANSPORT: There is currently no organised transport to this event from Bristol, but if you are interested in going, & we get enough demand, we may book a minibus or coach. Please phone 0117 3730099 & leave your details, or email Otherwise do try & make your way there.
DIRECTIONS: NSA Menwith Hill, North Yorkshire, is 8 miles from Harrogate on the A59 going West. Coming out of Harrogate there are signs to RAF Menwith Hill. You will see big white 'golfballs' as you near Menwith Hill. Look for a pub called 'Black Bull' on your right. Past the pub turn right into Cold Coates Lane, & follow the signs. The police will direct you from there. ROAD MAP BELOW:
ORGANISERS: CAAB (Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases)
8 Park Row, Otley, West Yorkshire, LS21 1HQ. Tel: 01943 466405 or 01482 702033
Fax: 01482 702033 Email:
"Scottish veteran from the 1st Gulf War, Alexander Izett, 34, has been on hunger strike since 1 May. He demands an independent public inquiry into the causes & treatment of Gulf War Syndrome. Mr Izett’s determination remains untouched. In Feb 1991 Mr Izett was due to leave for the Gulf. He received 9 vaccinations in 24 hours. But he never went to the Gulf as the war ended 2 days before he was due to go. In 1993, at age 23, he became ill & has suffered auto-immune osteoporosis, depression & stomach ulcers. He holds the vaccinations responsible for these illnesses. Information about what is in some of these vaccines is still classified.
In May 2003 Mr Izett won a court ruling which acknowledged the connection between the vaccinations & his ill health. Yet in Dec 2003, a war pensions tribunal ruled Mr Izett was only 50% disabled & granted him just 50% of a war pension. Mr Izett is unable to do waged work & lives in Germany on £61.50 a week. He has 2 teenage children, & his wife is looking after him. On 14 Mar 2004, Mr Izett testified to the Scottish Parliament & members agreed to write to central government. But Mr Izett has received no reply & in desperation has decided to go on hunger strike.
Mr Izett is one of 47,000 troops who were compulsorily vaccinated in preparation for the 1st Gulf War; 45,000 for the 2nd Gulf War. It is shocking that 72% of medical records of soldiers who served in the 1st Gulf War have been lost, making it impossible for the person to find out what s/he has been injected with. There are now many medical studies showing that veterans have died or suffered severe illnesses as a result, & have babies who are still-born or children with disabilities. Yet the government continues to insist that Gulf War Syndrome does not exist."
FOR MORE INFO: (London) Tel: 0207 209 4751 Email:
Full Story:
RELATED BACKGROUND: "During the war crimes trials after WWII, the world was shocked by reports that Nazi doctors had administered medical tests & treatments to unwilling patients. As a result, US judges at the Nuremberg trials wrote a code of ethics called the Nuremberg Code. The 1st principle was that no human being should be forced to take part in a medical experiment without his or her consent."
Related Story:
HOW YOU CAN HELP: Write to your MP demanding an independent public inquiry into Gulf War Syndrome, its causes, & treatment of those affected by it. Also ask them to sign 'Early Day Motion 1289', which is a parliamentary call for an inquiry.
To locate your MP visit:
Or get the details of your local MP by phone: 0207 219 4272
PLEASE NOTE: Research also shows that Gulf War Syndrome is caused by the use Depleted Uranium (DU) in US weaponry. As Alexander Izett did not go the Gulf, he was probably not exposed to DU, but many Iraqi's & coalition troops were & are, and are suffering the same array of disorders, diseases, as well as many deformities in their children not seen his Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Related Link:
a) *~ Palestine Talk: 'Wall & Peace...': 9th June
b) ^~ Bristol Community News Day: 12th June
c) *~ Refugee Week Films: 15th & 16th June
d) *~ Bristol Indymedia Film Night: 23rd June
e) *~ Benefit Night For Palestine: 26th June
f) * Book Review: 'Rethinking War & Peace'
a) PALESTINE TALK : 'WALL & PEACE' : Wednesday 9th June
Link: "The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine & Israel (EAPPI) sends volunteers to accompany Palestinians & Israelis in non-violent actions to end the occupation. The EAPPI is responding to a call made to the World Council of Churches by the Heads of Churches in Jerusalem."
SPEAKER: Hear 1st hand accounts from Roger Farnworth, who has recently returned from the West Bank. What is really going on'? ~ What do ordinary people think of the peace process? Why are international observers urgently needed?"
DATE: Wed 9th June. TIME: 7:30-9:00pm. Free Entry. VENUE: Redland Park United Reformed Church, Whiteladies Rd, Bristol BS6. MAP BELOW:
ORGANISED BY: Churches in Clifton, Cotham & Redland. Tel: 0117 9504 238
More Info: "A unique opportunity to learn new skills & discuss grass-roots media. Includes DIY radio workshops, how to make your own magazine, DIY record labels, media & how to get the most out of it, film workshops & the chance to have a hand-holding session on how to use indymedia to promote your concerns. All are welcome, please feel free to drop in at any time of the day."
ENTRY: Free / Donation. VENUE: Cube Cinema. Dove St. South. Kings Square.
MAP: INFO: Tel: 0117 9074190
OUTLINE OF THE DAY: 1pm: Welcome to Bristol Indymedia ~ 1:45pm: Outline of the workshops ~ 2pm: Tea & Cake available ~ 2:30-3pm: Workshop #1: led by Bristle magazine ~ 3-3.30pm: Workshop #2: led by Rob & Shawn ~ 3.30-4pm: Break ~ 4-4.30pm: Workshop #3: led by 4.30-5pm: Workshop #4: Subvertising ~ 5pm: Meal ~ 6pm: Open discussion & chance for community participation. ~ 8pm Onwards: PARTY TIME! Live multimedia, live music & DJs.
c) REFUGEE WEEK FILM NIGHTS : Tue 15th & Wed 16th June
Links: &
PLEASE NOTE: The Cube offers all UK asylum seekers free entry. Organised by Bristol City Council, Refugee Action, Community at Heart, STAR & Tribe of Doris.
VENUE: Cube Cinema. Dove Street South. Kings Square (Off Jamaica St.)
MAP: INFO: Tel: 0117 9074190
i) 'DIRTY PRETTY THINGS' & 'MY LIFE AS A REFUGEE': Tue 15th @7pm £4 /£3.
Lucy Nabijou, director of 'My Life As A Refugee', will be introducing these films.
'Dirty Pretty Things': "Stephen Frears (My Beatiful Laundrette) presents a stunning direction presents a story of nameless human beings within a society in denial."
ii) 'LAST RESORT' & 'MY LIFE AS A REFUGEE': Wed 16th @7pm £4 /£3.
First will be 'My Life As A Refugee, with the main feature 'Last Resort' @8:00pm
'Last Resort': A Russian book illustrator arrives in the airport with her 10yr old son
expecting to meet her British fiancee. Instead she is taken to a refugee centre."
Organisers: &
DATE: Wed 23rd June. TIME: 7:30-10:00pm. (Bar Open till 11:00pm).
TAX: £3 / £2* (*though no one turned away through lack of funds).
VENUE: Cube Cinema. Dove Street South. Kings Square (Off Jamaica St.)
MAP: INFO: Tel: 0117 9074190
MAIN FEATURE: "'The Diamond Empire' by Bristol based Jani Roberts, exposes the sordid reality in the heart of the multi-billion $ diamond trade. This is the 1st Bristol showing of the uncut version (the BBC cut 1/3). Jani is also author of 'Glitter & Greed:
The Diamond Investigation' & will be with us to introduce the film."
ALSO SHOWING: The work of a number of local filmmakers: Among the short films showing is the documentary 'break_it_down' by
Fundraiser for Medical Aid for Palestine, & Palestine Solidarity Campaign (Bristol & National). This is a child friendly event. Tickets available in advance or on the door.
Advance Tickets : £4 / £3, from Greenleaf Books, 82 Colston St, Bristol.
DATE: Sat 26th June. TIME: 8:00-11:30pm. TAX: £4 / £3. VENUE: St. Werburgh's Community Centre, Horley Rd, (Off Mina Rd). MAP BELOW:
LINE UP: This is a MULTI-ROOM event with a Bar. Entertainment will include a soundsystem in one room ~ Arabic drumming & dancers. ~ Middle Eastern food (a main meal will cost £3, vegan snacks available.) ~ A Satiric Poetry Slam (entries should be 10 lines or less.) ~ Plus an Auction & a Raffle. ~ & much more.
Organisers Link:
(Pluto Press, London 2004, ISBN 0-7453-2187-9) £11.99 & 177 Pages.
Diana Francis, of Bath Stop-The-War, has recently completed her latest book.
Copies can be ordered from bookshops. Here's a message from Diana: "I felt I just had to stand up & be counted. This seemed the time for saying so." THE BLURB: "Is war ever a just way to resolve conflict? Diana Francis argues it is not. With passion & eloquence, she mounts a head-on challenge to the belief that war as an institution is necessary or effective for good. In a tightly reasoned discussion of the ethics of war & peace she asserts that war is a gross denial of the core values on which peace depends, & that Just War Theory has failed & deceived us. The book explores alternative ways of confronting aggression & injustice, & outlines the steps we must take to bring about the radical shift so urgently needed."
a) *~ Bournemouth Refugee Week Meeting: 15th June
b) *~ Aberystwyth Guantanamo Fundraiser: 18th June
c) *~ South Somerset Palestine Meeting: 22nd June
d) *~ Birmingham Palestine Meeting: 25th June
e) *~ Yeovil & Sherborne Independence Day: 3rd July
f) *~ Gloucester Earth Activist Training: 10-24th July
Title: 'Exploding the myths about Asylum Seekers & Immigration'
Hundreds of asylum seekers have been refused any financial assistance & are homeless. What cash people do receive is just 70% of basic income support. Asylum seekers are not allowed to work. Refugees do not get the best housing. A property developer in Liverpool said some buildings were 'not fit for human beings'.
SPEAKER: Paul Thatcher (Portsmouth Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers)
Date: Tue 15th June. Time: 7:00-9:00pm. Free Entry. Refreshments Available.
VENUE: The Hall, St Swithun's Centre, Gervis Road, Bournemouth. MAP BELOW:
POST TO: Dorset REC 43 Oxford Rd, Bournemouth BH8 8JB. Tel: 01202 553003
Related Links: &
To Raise Funds For The Guantanomo Human Rights Commission (GHRC)
About The Commission:
"The GHRC was launched at a press conference at the House of Commons, on Jan 20th 2004. The Commission's long term objective is to achieve an end to all forms of internment without trial, whether in Guantanamo, in Britain in Belmarsh and Woodhill, Baghram airbase in Afghanistan, Diego Garcia, or anywhere else."
DATE: Fri 18th June. TIME: 9:00pm-2:00am. £2 Minimum Donation.
VENUE: Bay Hotel, 36 Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, SY23 2BX. MAP BELOW:
Organised By: Aberystwyth Peace Justice Network.
Title: 'Peace: The Bigger Picture - A Report From Palestine & A Proposal'.
A talk by Tricia Goddard - just back from the West Bank - & a discussion on setting up a ‘Peace Direct’ link with a Palestinian community. 'Peace Direct' supports groups using non-violence to transform the conflict in their communities.
LINK: DATE: Tue 22nd June. TIME: 7:30-9:30pm. TAX: £2:00 (Includes Drinks). VENUE: Minster Rooms (disabled access) Court Barton, Ilminster TA19 0DU. (Near the junction of West St & Silver St.) MAP BELOW:
POST: South Somerset Peace Group. Parsonage Cottage, Cudworth, Ilminster,
TA19 0PR. Tel. 01460 53165. http://
Title: 'Dead Ends - Challening The Occupation, Breaking The Deadlock'
MAIN SPEAKER: Jeff Halper. Writer, Commentator & Founder of the Israeli Committee against House Demolitions (ICAHD). ICAHD is a non-governmental organisation campaigning against Israeli occupation & oppression by publicising the injustice & illegality of the occupation; organising Israelis & Palestinians to resist house demolitions; Lobbying in Israel & internationally. Further information: 0121 244 7750 or
DATE: Fri 25th June. Time: 7:00-9:00pm. Free Entry. VENUE: Birmingham Voluntary Services Council, 138 Digbeth, Birmingham B5 6DR. MAP BELOW:
Organisers Link:
To mark Independence Day for the USA on the 4th July, Yeovil & Sherborne will making a dancing declaration of UK independence from US domination. Join us on Sat 3rd July, & dance your way to independence from from 7pm till midnight.
Date: Sat 3rd July. Time: 7pm - Midnight. TAX: £5 / £4. VENUE: Thornford Village Hall, Pound Rd, Near Sherborne, Dorset. MAP BELOW:
For More Details: 0845 456 1321 Email:
"A course for visionary activists. Learn the skills to transform a piece of land, community or our economic systems. These issues & war are intricately linked, & not solvable in isolation. Charges are on a sliding scale: £400 waged, £250 low income, £100 unwaged (negotiable). Spend 2 weeks at Ragmans Lane farm in Gloucestershire learning nature & wilderness awareness; solutions such as alternative energy, organic farming, natural building, bioremediation & restoration, soil & forest ecology & ecological economics, how to transform fear, rage, grief & frustration into creative action, & much, much more from experienced facilitators."
HOW TO TAKE PART: Please contact the collective for an application form asap: Earth Activist Training, C/o 3 Yew Tree Cottages, Pitt Court, North Nibley, Glos, Gl11 6EB. Email: Related Link:
In Full:
(Please see 'Section 4' for a related event). Adapted From An Article By Mike Davis:
"Angry truckers celebrated this May Day by blocking freeways in Los Angeles & container terminals in Oakland & Stockton. With diesel fuel prices in California soaring, the earnings of independent container-haulers have dropped below the poverty line. Lacking the power of big companies to pass on rising fuel costs, the port drivers - many of them immigrants from Mexico - have little choice but to share some of their pain with the public. In one action, big rigs blocked the morning commute just south of downtown Los Angeles, making tens of thousands of motorists temporary hostages of the fuel crisis. As one exasperated commuter complained to a radio station, 'This is really the end of the world.' Perhaps it is.
As Venezuela's energy minister Rafael Ramirez told the Financial Times on May 24, 'The history of cheap oil may have ended.' Although real fuel prices are well below their 1981 maximum, a growing chorus of voices, from former UK environment minister Michael Meacher, to the National Geographic, echo Ramirez. We will soon arrive, they claim, at the summit of 'Hubbert's peak'. M. King Hubbert was an oil geologist who in 1956 correctly predicted US petroleum production would peak in the early 70s, then irreversibly decline. In 1974 he likewise predicted world oil fields would achieve their maximum output in 2000 (revised to between 2006 & 2010). If the curve of global oil production is near the point of descent, as these experts believe, it has epochal implications for the world economy.
More expensive oil will undercut China's energy-intensive boom, return OECD countries to stagflation, & accelerate environmentally destructive exploitation of low-grade oil tars & shales. Most of all, it will devastate the economies of oil-importing developing countries. Farmers will be unable to afford petroleum-based fertilizers just as poor urban-dwellers will be unable to afford bus fares. (Already, rising oil prices have brought blackouts to cities throughout the globe's southern hemisphere.) The only certain beneficiaries of this chaos will be the big 5 oil corporations & their corrupt partners; Nigerian generals, Saudi princes, Russian kleptocrats, & their ilk. Crude oil truly will become black gold.
A permanent crude-oil regime of $50 per barrel (or higher) would transfer at least $1
trillion per decade from consumers to oil producers. This would be the greatest robbery by a rentier elite in history. Someday, Enron may seem like the equivalent of a liquor store hold-up by comparison. The oilmen in the White House, of course, have the best view of the lush terrain on the far side of Hubbert's peak. No wonder, then, that a map of the 'war against terrorism' corresponds with such uncanny accuracy to the geography of oil fields & proposed pipelines. From Kazakhstan to Ecuador, US combat boots are sticky with oil.
Latin America - Mexico, Venezuela, Columbia & Ecuador - currently supplies more oil to the US than the Middle East, & the White House has defined the 'War on Terror' as including counterinsurgency in the Western Hemisphere. Is there a pattern? Is there a US master plan for the control of oil in an age of diminishing supply & soaring prices? Obvious questions, but don't ask a Democrat. Although many ordinary Americans have little difficulty connecting the dots linking blood to oil, the Democrats, with few exceptions, refuse to ask any deep or probing questions about the economic architecture of the New American Empire." Mike Davis is the author of 'Dead Cities: & Other Tales' , 'Ecology of Fear' & co-author of 'Under the Perfect Sun: the San Diego Tourists Never See', among others.
a) THE DAILY BRISTOL PEACE VIGIL: The Independent Bristol Peace Vigil is an open space for discussion, as well a crucial focus to Bristol's campaigns. We've kept vigil every night (except Sundays) since a few days after 11th Sept 2001, & we'll keep Vigil onwards into the future, but we do need your support to keep our flame alive. If you can only make it for 15 minutes, or a couple of times a month, please still come. Everyone's welcome at the Bristol Peace Vigil.
TIMES: MON-FRI 5:30-6:30pm & SAT 3:00-4:00pm. PLACE: City Centre.
(Opposite The Hippodrome. St. Augustines Parade). MAP BELOW:
b) EASTON PEACE VIGIL: Every Friday. 5:00pm-6:00pm.
Corner of Robertson Rd & Stapleton Rd. MAP BELOW:
c) BATH PEACE VIGIL: Every Saturday 11.30am-12.30pm. Bath Abbey. (Off York
Street. From the Station walk up Manvers St) MAP BELOW:
d) THE BRISTOL-STOP-THE-WAR PLANNING GROUP: Everyone's welcome. We hold a Bristol-Stop-The-War meeting every week, as a forum for local groups to inform each other of their intentions, of finding people to work together on projects, & as a venue where large scale Bristol Demos are agreed & planned. We don't vote at these meetings, as we're not here to force adherence to a consensus view. We do instead discuss issues until we reach broad consensus.
DATE: Every Thursday. TIME: 7:00-8:30pm. PLACE: St. Mary on the Quay Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave. (Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:
e) BATH-STOP-THE-WAR: Meet every other Wed. NEXT: Wed 30th June.
TIME: 8:00-9:30pm @Friends Meeting House. York St. MAP BELOW:
Tel: 01225 315480
There's at least 6 public & open message boards in Bristol covering various political
campaigns, including the brand new 'Bristol Peak Oil' group. There's also a Bristol Indymedia newswire, & an Enrager.Net forum. Please make use of these forums.
a) BRISTOL ACTIVISTS: You need to be a member to post to the group.
To join send a blank email to:
b) BRISTOL INDYMEDIA: Open publishing newsire. Submit your own articles &
news of events of relevance to Bristol & South West. Use their calendar too.
c) BRISTOL PALESTINE SOLIDARITY: You need to be a member to post to the
group. To join send a blank email to:
d) BRISTOL PEAK OILERS: You need to be a member to post to the group.
To join send a blank email to:
e) BRISTOL STOP-THE-WAR. You don't need to be a member to post to the group.
Post messages to:
f) BRISTOL UNIVERSITY ANTI-WAR: You need to be a member. To join send a
blank email to:
g) ENRAGER.NET: You need to log-in to post. Scroll down the page for your nearest
forum, & post articles, news, announcements, or have discussions.
h) UWE STOP-THE-WAR: You need to be a member to post to the group.
To join send a blank email to:
"The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling - their
ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of nevitability.
Remember this - we be many and they be few. They need us more than we need them. Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." Arundhati Roy.