Horrific blooshed brings protest to M&S
Jean-Luc Picard | 21.05.2004 10:52 | Anti-racism | London
What was most promising was a large number of new people. What was even more promising was that a lot of these new faces were not the stereotype Palestinian/anti-war protestors made up of Muslims and lefties but people from work, people just passing. Just people - no tag necessary. Just people finishing their jobs for the day. Just people earning their wage and getting through life, to pay for their mortgage, to put food in their kids mouths and maybe to take a couple of weeks in the sun come Summer. Just people who no doubt wanted to get home to their families. Relax. Watch a little T.V. Maybe have a beer or two.
But last night they didn't just go home and relax. For the first time in their lives some of them had done something new. They acted. They evolved a little. They evolved because they are sickened. They are sickened by what they are seeing and what they are hearing. They are sickened by the fact that in Rafah alone on Wednesday 13 people were shot dead on a peaceful demonstration. They were sickened that 3 of them were children, one a 13 year old girl feeding pigeons on her roof, shot in the heads and back. They were sickened that every day Israel is committing War crimes. They are sickened that our fucking government does nothing. They are sickened that our country is bombing the hell out of men, women and children in a land that has done them no harm. they are sick of the lies.
The politicians, the media. They lie. They distort the truth. Readers of Indymedia know this of course, but most people actually know this too on varying levels. Even the pitiful Zionists who post racist comments against these reports delude themselves and know the truth. People know what our governments and states are really about. War. Plunder. Murder. Exploitation. Torture. Seeing a cowering naked prisoner attacked by dogs cuts through lies like a hot knife. Seeing 200 homes systematically destroyed in a day, all in the great battle of our time which is the war on terror (what a sick joke!) shreds the lies apart. Bombing the shit out of a wedding party, killing 45 in the process (15 being children) tends to make make people realise that enough is enough.
That is why there was so much support from people last night. White, black, Muslim, Jew, Communist, city worker. Human beings. For actually, it is not our nature to sit back, be self-interested, quiet, apathetic in the face of such crimes. People do get angry and passionate. The self-defence of being distant collapses in time. The covering of crimes gets wiped away and reality always seeps through as it is always there to be seen. Torturers are at the scene of the crime, committing the crime. They hood their victims not just to disorientate them. They also do it (whether they are aware of this on a conscious level or not) so they don't have to look into the eyes of another human being and see their own cowardice and crime reflected when they are beating them to death, humiliating them like animals. Disassociation.
We are all disassociating ourselves from what we are capable of, from what if we like it or not - is 'being done in our name'. Those at the forefront use the hood as the last line of defence - the last delusion. The block between the eyes. Ourselves, thousands of miles away have greater arrays of disassociation. Cilla Black and Eastenders, lying politicians whom we can blame when the shit hits the fan, football and 'open' media to digest and criticise from the warm chair in front of the fire. Mr's Bush and Blair instead of the system from whose juice we suckle greedily from. Brad Pitt dressed as a Greek warrior, fighting, drawing blood in Homer's mind 2500 years ago with modern computer technology....war becomes so distant. Jordans tits on the top of Page 1 and massacre at the bottom of page 5. Beer and drugs which dampen the pain when the great delusion begins to fall. The fortune and space to intellectualise...time to create, create excuses. WMD's and dictators. Suicide bombers and rampant anti-Semitism. Civilisation and collateral damage.
The delusion collapses. Despite the array of mechanism and twists and turns which ego and capitalism can contrive...the truth will out. Always. Why? Because it is not some set of facts, some knowledge to accumulate, it is always there...it is merely covered by lies, by self-deceit and delusion. The truth, about ourselves and the world which we create, is not something new to be acquired...it is something that is uncovered and shown with the removal of delusion. To see it is so simple that often we cannot accept it. But accept it we must and accept it people are beginning to do. We are approaching a crucial point in our history and amongst all the shit the delusion is beginning, however slowly, to be wiped away: Zionism is ethnic cleansing. Western 'democracy' is capitalism. Capitalism is imperialism. Imperialism is terrorism, war, exploitation....further self-deciet and delusion. 30,000 dead children daily from dirty water. This need not be the case. It is not our natural state or way to be.
If you haven't joined us (us being human beings campaigning for human beings, not VTI) then why not? Still making excuses? Still disassociating? Still deluding? Still being a part of the great lie?
Come join us. See for yourself what the pickets are like. You won't have anything to loose but your own delusions.
Demonstrate next and every Thursday from 6 till 8pm outside Oxford St M&S (Marble Arch end)!
Demonstrate against the war and torture! Troops out of Iraq! Embankment Saturday 22nd at 11am!
Join the ongoing demonstration outside the Israeli Embassy!
Victory to the Intifada!
Victory to the Iraqi people!
Victory to the oppressed of the world!
Jean-Luc Picard
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