A new document Let Down By Labour:
Voter | 30.04.2004 16:39
Labour have let people down in so many ways, in 1997 they pledged that: "We will make education our number one priority". However in reality a million children play truant from school. There is 48% more secondary school classes with 30 pupils or more. A teacher is attacked every 7 minutes and one in three 11 year-olds leave primary school unable to read, write and count properly.
In 1997 they pledged: "We will promote personal prosperity for all". But the reality is that the tax burden is up by the equivalent of £5,000 a year for every household in the UK. Cost of government has gone up by 60% and productivity growth is half that under the previous government. Further more there have 66 tax rises under Labour and there have been Council Tax rises at three times the rate of inflation.
Labour also pledged that "We will save the NHS." The reality is that there is a million people on NHS waiting lists. The number of people forced to pay for their treatment trebled by 2003. There are 58% more managers in the NHS. And a 37% increase in spending on the NHS has brought no more than a 5% increase in hospital operations by 2004.
Tony Blair promised that there would be no tax increases at all. But Labour have put taxes up sixty-six times. That's the equivalent of £5,000 for every household in the country. Council tax has gone through the roof, up by 70 per cent since Labour came to office. Labour have let us all down on tax.
Despite Labour's many tax increases, we have little to show for it. We are a first-rate country with second-rate public services. In our schools today, one in three children leave primary education unable to read, write and count properly. Children played truant a million times last year. What hope do we have of the future of our country if our children don't even go to school?
In our hospitals, patients - many of them elderly and frail - still have to suffer the indignity of mixed sex wards. There are still a million people on NHS waiting lists. For some, the delay could genuinely mean the difference between life and death. Labour have let patients down.