War Crimes - Act NOW
Verite Sparks | 17.04.2004 09:59 | Anti-militarism
Falluja baby corpses
Prosecute US for War Crimes
Wed, 14 Apr
: Prosecute US/us 4 War Crimes--take action

Send the letter below to the International Criminal Court 'respectfully requesting' the prosecution of Bush, all officials involved, and all heads of state for war crimes.
Make this number grow TONIGHT !!

After you've sent the letter, a copy of the letter is emailed to you.
Forward that copy to the White House, Blair,
our U.S. representatives and the U.S. and U.K. media.
Those email addresses are listed here:

and here:

Below is the letter that will be sent in your name:
To: Office of the International Prosecutor,
International Criminal Court,
Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM, The Hague, The Netherlands
On March 21, 2003, the US, UK and other forces launched a massive air strike against Iraq as part of the US military plan, "shock and awe." In the first 48 hours of this attack some 3,000 recision-guided bombs were fired at or near Baghdad, a densely populated city of 5.6 million.
In Afghanistan these weapons had a maximum success rate of 85%, indicating that at least some 200 missiles will miss their targets daily. Senior Pentagon officials in advance of the attack state publicly: "There will not be a safe place in Baghdad. you have this simultaneous effect, rather like the nuclear weapon at Hiroshima, not in days or weeks but in minutes." The purpose is to "take the city down. By that I mean you get rid of their power, water. In two, three, four, five days, they are physically, emotionally, and psychologically exhausted."
As you are aware an armed attack of this nature violates fundamental principles of international humanitarian law which require opposing forces to distinguish between the civilian population and combatants, and between civilian infrastructure and military targets. The Rome Statute specifically prohibits intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects, that is, objects which are not military objectives.
It is illegal too to launch indiscriminate as well as disproportionate attacks and acts intended to spread terror among the civilian population. The Rome Statute specifically prohibits intentionally directing attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure.
The so-called "shock and awe" tactics described above constitute a war crime in violation of the Rome Statute.
These crimes either wholly in part took place on territory within the jurisdiction of the ICC, as U.S. B-2 Bombers involved in "shock and awe" were loaded with bombs and took off from Fairford Air Base, UK and U.S. Air Base on Diego Garcia, an island territory of the UK.
I respectfully request that you initiate an investigation into this situation under Article 15 of the Rome Statute against all persons subject to the jurisdiction of the Court. This should include investigation of all officials involved, including all heads of States taking part in the war.
Verite Sparks