War Criminals?
Busipoli.com | 26.03.2004 00:54
The issues are compounded when you consider that the war in Iraq itself was unconstitutional. Only the Congress has the power to declare war. A simple resolution is not a declaration of war and Congress cannot give away such power to the executive branch. It is further irrelevant that in the past Congresses have remained silent when the Executive have sent troops abroad. As President Bush is demonstrating and has always been the danger in Congress’ acquiescence, is the threat of an aggressive war making Executive.
Reasons For War
Bush and Cheney are now backing off statements that they are certain that WMD will be found in Iraq. And have backed off statements connecting Iraq to 9/11. Just as a reminder Bush stated in his March 6, 2003 televised press conference that Iraq constituted a “direct threat to the United States.” That has been proven now to be untrue. So if their two primary justifications for war are not true than what were there true motives. Well, Vice-President Cheney’s former corporation now controls most of the major contracts for rebuilding Iraq. “Its our time” Cheney the former CEO of Haliburton has been a blatant champion of his former firm being handed billions of tax payers dollars. In a Vanity Fair article undersecretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz the so-called father of the U.S. policy in Iraq admitted that the weapons of mass destruction was simply the reason they could all agree upon to justify the war to the American people. Conservative ideologue Wolfowitz’s real reasons to invade Iraq may be more in line with his academic geopolitical theories the U.S. as the only superpower is justified to invade Iraq to protect American corporate interest and or establish a democracy in the middle east which would further serve two goals oil control and maintenance of a puppet regime in the middle east.
Bush has agreed to have an ‘independent’ commission investigate whether intelligence got it wrong in Iraq. Someone has to be the fall-guy and it seems as if it will be intelligence although evidence suggest that the White House went looking for reasons for war in the intelligence and ignored exculpatory evidence of WMD. See for example former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neil’s new book in which he slams the Bush administration’s weak evidence of WMD and suggests that war planning in Iraq began before 9/11.
If the Bush administration lied and the American people and the U.S. Congress bought into the lie what shall be the consequences for such lies? An election year removal of this administration may not suffice. The republican Congress would never impeach. The Bush administration may have committed crimes of perjury, obstruction of justice domestically and possibly war crimes for starting an unnecessary war and invading a non-aggressing nation to the international courts. Also considering that the Bush administration ignored the majority of the world including key allies in invading Iraq the proponents of the illegal war could be held accountable on the international stage.
War Crimes
It has been argued that the attack of a non-aggressing nation is the greatest war crime and the source of war crimes. Continue at