Parklife Newsflash-Direct Action Taking Place Thursday 25th March 2004
Keith Farnish | 25.03.2004 13:30 | Ecology | Free Spaces | Health
occupation at the site of the proposed F5 road scheme,
planned for the A1159 Priory Crescent north, Southend
on Sea, Essex.
show of peaceful defiance.
A team of climbers from the 'Save Priory Park' action
group Parklife scaled trees this morning, in a further
show of peaceful defiance, against proposals to press
ahead with controversial plan F5 to dual the A1159,
Priory Crescent, Southend on Sea, Essex.
The protest is the latest in a long line of
demonstrations which have taken place over the past
three years, since the proposals for the road scheme
first became widespread public knowledge across the
Campaigners oppose the latest plan put forward by
Southend Borough Council, to dual the 870 metre
stretch of carriageway between Cuckoo Corner and
Aldi's Supermarket, due to the impacts it will have
upon Priory Park and the surrounding area. These
include the destruction of 113 trees and hard
surfacing of 3000m2 of public open space, including
the burial chamber of the recently discovered Anglo
Saxon 'Prince of Prittlewell.'
Parklife campaigner Shaun Qureshi said, ‘The burial
site on the route of the approach to the new railway
bridge deck is now acknowledged as being of
international significance. This is yet another reason
for the road to be scrapped by Alistair Darling and
Priory Park to be left alone. Not one inch of our park
should be touched, if the road goes ahead then the
peace and tranquillity of this historic place will be
destroyed forever.’
He continued, ‘We have repeatedly voiced the continued
massive opposition of local people to the new road.
Today by occupying part of the threatened route, in a
further act of defiance against the local authority,
we are reaffirming our commitment to continue with
this campaign until the very end. As long as the trees
still stand we will take further action to ensure that
the F5 ‘white elephant’ is not parked here. The burial
site of the 'Prince of Prittlewell' should now become
the 'elephants graveyard.’
Keith Farnish