GM Activists - what next? ...Get Sainsbury's.
jack | 22.03.2004 18:42 | Bio-technology
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There has already been several actions, focusing on Sainsbury's (we figure that once one big supermarket removes gm fodder from it's dairy products, the rest will follow), across the country, but especially in the GM-hostile South West. Since it's a GM fodder maize which has had it's commercial approval, we are making sure that dairy products reared on GM animal feed are highlighted as such to the public. This has taken the shape of bandit labelling, dancing cows on Sainsbury's roofs, and a distressed giant maize running down aisles. Store managers have been button-holed and shoppers have written letters.
Sure proof that we are alreday making an impact is a PR counter-offensive by agro-business and the supermarkets.
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Previous reports:
Why Target Sainsbury's? -