Watering of WB (Ljubljana)
AK Lag | 18.03.2004 00:12 | Globalisation | Social Struggles
Watering of WB
Ljubljana, 17th March 2004
Združene barve odpora - »United Colors of Resistance«
President Wolfensohn made his uncoloured appearance in Slovenia in order to praise his neoliberal followers (puppets), especially the government and other ruling institutions. Wolfensohn said that it is a historical day while Slovenia (case study of success: yeah right!) showed that transition is possible (presentation of the book Slovenia: from Yugoslavia to European Union). In fact, Slovenia is dealing with a big economic crisis. Many corporations are outsourcing and making their way to Chinese markets so the bitter unemployment is hitting hard this year. Not to mention political case of “erased people”. But let us get back to the global plan.
The World Bank is presenting itself as the institution that is actively reducing global poverty. But in reality World Bank with its programmes is just one of the promoters of neoliberal globalisation. In other words, that is, the globalisation that drives world in the permanent state of war, un-sustained poverty and other inequalities of nowadays situation.
To be more concrete, the World Bank is financing chopping of tropical trees in Amazon forests and it is also enforcing privatisation of water resources in the countries of Latin-America. The usual procedure is also is also demanding budget cuts in public funds (education and health services are under attack). World Bank is not altruist and caritative organisation but a vampire that sucks blood of the Third World countries (e.g. loans with high interest-rates).
The very essence of the existence of WB is to promote the interest of capital and so on the global level the unbearable exploitation of natural resources and cheap labour-force is functioning without any problems. The bankers of WB are not interested in the environmental issues they don’t care what kind of air we are going to breathe in ten years time, they don’t care even if children work in terrible working conditions…. The point is that WB do not think of the consequences of the big projects that are supposed top bring progress and development They just care for the privatisation of public infrastructure and their big profit.
From the very beginnings, the WB is considered to have been struggling in the “war against poverty”. In 80s they said that poverty is going to disappear from the face of the earth in 20 years time (?). That is also their discourse today. When they are smiling and little-talking, their mouths are already full of corpses. The data show that never in history there were not such a huge gaps between rich and poor, and numbers of hungry and needy people are rising. Is that the future we want to share?
So, symbolic actions on the local level with “glocal” thematic can fuel us with energy and at the same time give us opportunity to articulate our voices and voices of those that are being silenced!
No justice, no peace…!
AK Lag