Anti-fur demos in Worcester today
People Against Cruelty to Animals - Wst Midlands | 06.03.2004 23:52
On to Madeleine Ann, eleven activists set up camp outside her shop in Worcester. Cops were quickly on the scene and inside the shop where they remained for over an hour. One activist was cautioned pending possible summons for 'staring at a shop assistant' inside Mad Anns dump! (harassment, intimidation etc) Let's hope the 'staring' gives 'em nightmares then! Two great demo's with loads of leaflets handed out, support from the public and the usual offers of donations.
Madeleine Ann's shop is dirt in a lot of peoples eyes, she has endured so many demos it's only a matter of time before the twisted one cracks and gives up trying to sneak fur back into fashion! The addresses of both these shops are on the PACA anti-fur campaign page at:
Get in touch with them, let them know that selling animal skins just won't be tolerated.
Breaking News: After last weeks noisy demo at Beaubelles in Droitwich they appear to have ditched the rabbit fur scarves, activists checked today to find none in the shop. More checks will be done before they are taken off the PACA hitlist.
More info and pics at:
People Against Cruelty to Animals - Wst Midlands