Software and Soul
Vivek Kashyap | 06.03.2004 01:57 | Analysis | Education | Social Struggles | London | Oxford
Untitled Document
and Soul
Part 1 Theory
Faculties of Soul and of Computer
1.The software of Soul
Soul is equivalent of Operating System (OS) software in a computer.
When soul gets installed
on the hardware called body then the body comes into action and supports the
soul with various functions like speaking, listening, eating and expressing.
Once OS is installed on the hardware several other softwares and utilities can
be installed which keeps on exchanging information and communicating regularly
to facilitate delivery of various jobs.
Similarly when a soul enters
the body it comes into relationship with relatives, friends and colleagues.
It shares information, emotions and communicate regularly with them. Just like
when OS crashes or is uninstalled, all other supporting programs are automatically
uninstalled and all communications are snapped, similarly when soul leaves body
all other relationships and communication of the soul with relatives, friends
and colleagues.
2.The Hardware called
Body is equivalent to the
computer hardware, on which the softwares are installed and it facilitates
the actions/expression based on the information provided by soul .Body is the
medium which provides support to soul to carry out tasks for completion of various
Processing units
1. Computers- OS, CPU and Supporting programs
2. Humans- Mind, Intellect, Resolves and Brain
The input to a computer is provided by the user through keyboard in form of
various commands / mouse clicks. The user also provides inputs through floppy
drive / CD or through installation of other programs. The master software or
OS when once installed has knowledge about all other installation and processes
which are used by the hardware and its own services to complete tasks in defined
Similarly the soul executes various actions through the mind, intellect and
resolves, using the processing power of brain and support from body organs to
complete an action. Soul uses various set of information subjectively and objectively
to do particular jobs.
The mind creates an action list of various jobs to be performed whereas intellect
processes the pros/cons for the particular action to be performed and execution
takes place based on processing power of brain along with the influences of
Output Devices
1.Computers- Monitor, Printer
2.Humans- Face (Eyes ,nose, mouth , ears)
The output device in computer facilitates the representation of the results
of the various actions. Monitor typically represents the end results whether
its file retrieval, execution of certain tasks or showing communication details
with other devices externally /internally.
Similarly in soul all the
processing which happens through mind, intellect and resolves are represented
through facial expressions, especially eyes. For example- An individuals
happiness and anxiety gets reflected through his face. When a person is into
deep thought its reflected through his face and when one is concentrating,
his eyes are focused. All that which soul experiences get reflected through
Thats why its probably right to say face is the index of the soul!
Connection with the outer
1.Network /Internet effect
Network - Connection of various computers
In computer jargon a network is a inter connection of several computers, which
collaboratively share information and resources to complete various tasks. Problem
in a particular section of computers have varying effect on the network leading
to slow down of communication, inefficient sharing of resources and at times
complete break down of network. In recent times everybody has experienced how
the problems in particular area of network has affected the internet leading
to slowdown of information flow and heavy losses in online trade.
If we see our networked society which is fast becoming a global community with
physical distances becoming immaterial , incidents in a one part of world has
its effect on
individuals and societies in other part. For example a small network effect
is - If a person smiles, he passes on that smile to the other and the other
individual passes it on further and in a short while this contagious effect
spreads similarly around , similarly an incident like tragedy of September 11
impacts whole world, ranging from changes in
world security, economic changes, inflation , stock market crashes and leading
to changes on particular countrys and communities perspectives and stance
on various
critical issues.
How a particular individual
behaves, how he treats people in his circle goes a long way in representing
what sort of personality and mental make up he is carrying. The effect of the
family members and the network of friends and colleagues have big impact on
an individual's thought process and mental make up.
A soul is constantly sharing news, ideas and thoughts on varying topics with
other souls and in process influencing others and getting influenced too. A
soul/set of souls can go and create all together a new set of ideology and culture
based on their revolutionary thoughts and ideologies. A whole set of people
committed to good /bad cause can have similar network effect on a society leading
to its up-liftment or downfall.
2. The effect of external
negativity Virus of vices!
I. Computer - Virus
Virus- vicious worm which slows processing of computer
Consequences- deletes data , creates unusual response and leads to total
system failure (disk crash etc)
II. Human- Vices
Vices Vicious impurity which has adverse effect on intellect where
mind loses control ,individual cant think positively, insanity creeps and becomes
incapable to take astute decisions which leads to mal function of mental and
ultimately physical system
Consequences- Stress, anxiety, negative thinking, pervert ness, greed,
ego, anger and finally- soul /OS crash
A computer shares lot of information once it is connected to a network. Its
exposed to various types of communication and at times becomes prone to virus
attacks also (external negativity) which spread like a forest fire on the network
and infect all other connected computers resulting in loss of important data,
inaccessibility to important resources, malfunctioning of the processing units
and in cases crashing of the whole network system leading to heavy business
Similarly in this networked society our soul is constantly sharing information,
getting in touch with various types of souls with different attitudes, aspirations
and motives. If the soul is not powerful to discriminate the thoughts and situations
its being exposed to, its very much possible that it can come under
the attack of vices (lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego) from external world.
Once these vices enter the intellect, they bring all sorts of anxieties and
stress due to which soul faces a lot of sorrow.
Initially it would appear everything is working smoothly but slowly these vices
degrade the intellect and negativity creeps in , bringing down its power to
judge and discriminate due to which soul is unable to take right decisions and
commits sinful actions under the effect of these vices leading to creation of
vicious karmic accounts. Gradually this negative effect spreads from one individual
to another and then across the whole network (society) leading to problems which
todays world is acing - wide scale corruption, wars, terrorism, exploitation
2 Practical (Meditation)
The Safety Kit for Information Beings
I. Anti Virus -
Always ON monitoring s/w to keep track of the vicious worms or virus
entering the computer, blocks the entry of the virus and warns the user of the
attack /presence of the virus.
II. Anti Vices -
Anti vices (original powers of soul) Keeps on monitoring state of soul
during various interactions and situations, helps intellect in executing various
tasks precisely and at the same time warns soul of the approaching virus , helps
in dealing with them and ultimately allows the soul to carry on its tasks smoothly
To protect computer an anti-virus is installed on it. Especially in the network
it becomes mandatory to have anti virus, which works round the clock to
protect the computer networks and blocks the viruses trying to attack the system.
If surfaces any type of viruses, it raises alarms and warns the user to remove
the particular them and save the system.
Soul also has an inbuilt anti- vice program, which are its original eight powers,
to protect it from vices. If the soul is full of all the original powers then
its in a state of constant power, independent and is able to functional
smoothly. In this state it becomes easier for soul to take appropriate decisions
in various situations and to protect itself from the attack of vices and remove
their traces before they could harm it.
Souls in todays world are effected by combined force of five vices (Lust
, ego , anger, attachment and greed)vices and its subtle forms which has made
soul suffer and go through the vicious spiral of anxiety, stress and mental
diseases . A vice effected soul loses all its powers and ability to act appropriately
in various situations. These vices deprive the soul of happiness, peace and
bliss which are its own innate qualities and in search for these very qualities
a soul keeps on wandering in outside world through its life. They try various
temporary make shift solutions like going on vacation, pilgrimage, functions,
parties etc but none of these provides them everlasting peace, bliss and happiness.
The Role of Super Computer and GOD
Role of Super computer /Server (GOD, Supreme Soul)
a.Always ON, manages communication
between the various computers
b.Helps to manage relationships and sharing of resources between the peer computer
c.Server automatically update s/w on other computers , helps in sharing and
executing various tasks
Just like the master computer or the server in the network is always ON( connected)
and takes care of all other computers, similarly the Supreme Soul (GOD) is always
available and takes care of the souls and helps them in various situations and
accomplishing various tasks provided they are connected to him. It keeps on
sending vibrations of peace, love and bliss in incognito form and removes out
obstacles to make the journey of life easier for souls. In network the server
is used to upgrade all the other computers with new softwares or to protect
the network with latest anti-virus, similarly when souls connect to GOD through
meditation it helps souls with power and wisdom to protect them, get help from
god in various tasks, remain stress free and light and experience constant peace
and happiness.
Once connected the soul keeps on getting directions to live a happy and blissful
life and automatically gets warned of the vices trying to invade its peace and
happiness. If the soul maintains constant relationship with GOD, then GOD provides
direction to help the soul manage its relationships with others happily and
Troubleshooting Knowing
the self and experiencing liberation
Typically when an individual is connected to internet he is constantly exploring
new set of information and sharing thoughts and ideas with others. Even at times
when the information or solutions is present on the hard disk of his computer,
he tends to search for it on net because the internet world seems to provide
a much faster response. He tries to download and install all sort of free software/programs,
to support its tasks and relationships. These softwares or programs generally
works for short duration and expires soon. Similarly in order to efficiently
manage its tasks and experience happiness and peace in managing its various
relationships, as soul tries various make shift solutions. In search of these
temporary solutions soul keeps on wandering in outside world trying out various
permutations and combinations, unsuccessfully.
If ones sees deeply inside
, the solution of all the problems are inside the soul itself , but it tends
to go and search for it in outside world because response seems much more quicker,
even though the solution provided is temporary or even wrong . Souls are in
so much extroversion and lost in communicating with outer world that it tries
to search for all the solution and answers to its questions from outside perspective,
ignoring the whole treasure of peace, wisdom and solution of the entire problem
lying within itself.
The solution is All one needs to do is to go offline from this always
connected world in and connect to its soul and powers of soul. One needs to
go in solitude and search the hard disk (soul searching) of its computer to
figure out what all is lying there.
Initially when one goes
inside, he would interface lots of false ego which has forced him from facing
himself, shades of recent experiences good and bad, heart breaks and
traces of various vices which were the latest files used unconsciously during
various interactions. But once a soul goes deeper to its core, it would come
across something its has never interfaced before - that part of the personality
which is pure, honest, full of self respect, happiness and peace which
is its true self!!! This is the very source of all those qualities and powers
for which souls has wandered all through out. One can realize that whatever
files of happiness and peace one was searching by being online are very much
in his own hard disk and very much belong to him. The more one remains in solitude
and connect to its core, the more one can experience its innate qualities, powers
and virtues which would give him true peace and happiness . Soul would then
realize that it has been slave of others throughout looking towards them for
happiness, praise, respect and belonging. This very realization would help in
bringing one in touch with himself and being honest and ultimately liberating
him from all bondages.
The very reason why soul
is under the effect of various vices or weakness like fear, tension and loneliness
is because they are not in touch with their own original qualities. They search
for praise, happiness from outside and keep searching for it through out their
life time. All this because they dont know their true self. Souls who
are filled with various fears, inferiority complex and hurt then spread all
these weakness when they come in touch with society.
Once the soul is aware of its true nature, it can enjoy these qualities and
powers whenever and wherever it wants, because they are its own treasures. Meditation
helps in getting one in touch with himself and recognizing ones true self. Meditations
allows one to connect with the supreme soul GOD, which would help him
in replenishing his energy resources to enhance its power and get in touch with
its innate qualities and virtues and remove the traces of vices which has brought
suffering and anxiety in its life.
When a self aware soul who is in constant touch with the supreme comes in contact
with the society it sends those vibrations of peace and happiness around to
other souls and helps in removing the vices and traces of negativity. All other
connected souls can benefit from the powers of self aware soul and can feel
true bliss and peace which would help them in their discovery of their own treasures.
They can gradually start getting in touch with their true self , connect to
Supreme and ultimately experience the true peace and happiness. A network effect
follows and gradually the society would become vice- free.
Vivek Kashyap