Volunteering for 20th March Convergence
Gene Hashmi | 02.03.2004 15:49 | Indymedia | London | Sheffield
In January I met and worked with IndyMedia activists from across the globe (including two from IndyMedia Sheffield) at the World Social Forum in Bombay.
What are you guys planning for 20th March? Is IMC London planning to cover the demos? More important: would you like any help?
I could help collate, edit and publish content (I've made a living out of that for the past 11 years).
I could also bring along some toys just in case they're needed... a G4 PowerBook, an AirPort Extreme, an MD recorder with a semi-pro external mic, a 40 gig external hard disc (FireWire only), a digital voice recorder (USB only), and an SLR film camera for stills.
Please let me know ASAP if there's any way in which I can help. Post a reply to this mssg here or mail me at: hacktivist(at)dangerous-minds(dot)com
In solidarity,
PS: I think I should be able to arrange a place to crash in for a week. Should that for some reason not materialise, would anyone out there be willing to help out?
Gene Hashmi
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