(copy) letter to mkUltra investigator, request for asssistance.
Ms. V. Smith | 18.02.2004 20:10 | Anti-militarism | World
Greetings. I hope all well with you.
I am writing to you as one concerned with the
ongoing attempts by "the company" to target me for
public harassment, psychological abuse, threats of
false imprisonment, "commitment, back-door-"missions",
sales into slavery.
This has been going on for years, and has included my
having been falsely imprisoned, kept in solitairy
confinement for over half a year, constantly sexually
solicited, psychologically tortured, frequently
physically tortured by the jail STAFF at a small
county jail in central Maine several years ago, ( for
a false and minor non-violent trespassing charge) And
during which time I thwarted, absolutely unaided by a
single human, without a thread of system knowledge
prior to any of this, two attempts to have me
illegally committed, when I wouldn't take any of their
filthy deals and they'd shown me their criminal, company,underground,
underbelly. Yet, through God's provision of system
and legal wisdom that my there-to-fore life experiences did not
warrant,though His strength, inspiration, I won. I beat them
at their own filthy game in their own filthy, company,
back yard,
having had to defeat corrupt jail
personnel,crooked DA, and appointed attorney,who did her utmost to molest the circumstances, ignore my legally easy defense and release, try to help railroad me ,and criminal behavior from staff also
included medical staff that tried to file false
reports, and who then tried to indict my unjustified, and
felonious , illegal committment, ( I have no history
of mental illness or violent criminal behavior, nor was I at all violent or abusive while interred), when
they'd found they could not "break" me, after I
consistently refused any of their attempts to
"condition" me to sexual promiscuity, accept any of
their myriad of deals they'd constantly proposed for
sexual acts with staff,other inmates, as well as their
having also, using their inmate "plants' ,- even
bringing in several gold-bedecked inmate "players' to
assess me, broker deals for my purchase, ( appeared to
be Arab, and/or Hispanic), to proffer deals indicating
my sales into slavery, forced marriage, "breeding",
overseas shipment which also mentioned some kind of
paramilitary "missions" for mercenary groups. ( The
war in Kosovo was very active at the time and MAine,
good ol' company-Bush Maine, is closest jumping off
point to Europe. And the little rural county jail
staff, made every effort to imitate a military
compound, even marched in step, dressed in black
fatigues, and unusually lfrequent groups of young
women, who behaved more like revelers then prisoners,
brough in and out quickly. Central Maine county jail,
not exactly Miami pen, or party central.
In any case, as I'd said, through God's providence and protection, I
beat them, and despite their most concerted and
intense efforts to drive me mad, push me over the
edge,have me me committed ala Gulag,and even tried several times to assasinate me through
lethal drug combinations laced in my food, they
failed. And, I actually exited in excellent fitness,
having acquired a GED, a 3000 dollar donation of new
jail library books, and as evidence of my
ongoing struggle to effect my legal defense, defense against criminal staff, as well as evidence my effort to
to remain human, reams of documents,grievance forms,
journal pages, designs, drawings.
Well, that was several years ago, but not the first
time they had me falsely arrested, and they are
threatening to try again to protect their criminal,
government underground networks, and silence me, my
reporting, ( which has since 911 extended to include
reports and articles concerning Bush-CIA involvement
in designing and executing September 11, Anthrax scam,
Afghan-Iraq profiteering fraud, illegal bio-
develeopment, appearance of governmentally
manufactured diseases, as SARS, monkeypox, the flu,ownership of voting systems,
other NWO schemes.
To bring you up to speed, following my interrment in hell,
I'd spent several years
locked in the urban
prison of shelters, chased from city to city, denied
work, constantly abused, targeted for "conditioning",
assault by the gangmembers, coven of criminals,
government and "family" members, slaves, who govern the shelters and their illicit economies- whose
job it was to try and destroy me, discredit me, try
and force me into slavery, into one of their networks.
And it was several yers of enduring this abuse,
struggling to find even the meagerest of jobs, even forced
to, for my safety's sake abandon shelters and sleep
out-of-doors, in the winter, freezing, starving, at
times to avoid the "medicated foods the shelters
provide, as i struggled to obtain clothing, access to
work, job training, having twice qualified for Federal
college programs, and twice after much time and effort
invested, after weeks, months, the moment I'd
qualified was told the funding had vanished.
So, finally, after several years of their having
chased me around the country, forcing me to live in
the most brutal circumstances, ( they found me useful as a "scout", local resource locater for their network members, national traveling spies), I clawed and climbed my
way back to manistream surface,away from the
"crazies", druggies, and whores, gangsters who train
their own children from infancy in prostition, mob
"service" and found domecile with one of my
relatives, who happens to be a Fed, who happens to
live in Huntsville, Alabama, AND who himself,
relentlessly, daily, tries to "direct" me, set
"programs" involving sexual exchanges, arrangements for
sexual trysts, "matches", locally, and who, without
shame or the slightest whimper of conscience,
tries to aim every word of dialogue, employs
props, to indicate my incarceration, "matching" with
"security" , "muscle",( this will never occur, but is their ongoing intent to envelope me, encase me among their most trustworthy and conscienceless,politically static slaves), remote
"missions" via committment or road capture.-All this this from my own brother, who returns every kindness and major household contrubution with ignorance or insult, and is also one of the
filthiest and managerial, socially, inept humans I
have ever met. If he didn't have a government job,and
if they didn't value him as a "camera", a
remote-viewer,( who it appears transmits government
information or misinformation- he's an "eye" spy-he
would mirror those found at the Salvation Army. In
fact, they'd probably throw him out, he's that dirty.
(Forgive the digression.)
In any case sir, through me research into CIA
criminality, regarding 911, then serendipitously,
found the story on "the Franklin
cover-up" I began to find answers for what I'd been
experiencing, and had, through my incarceration, been
told I was also a "camera". And , as has been proven,
possibly the world's most powerful one as I can
"transmit" at will my images, real or imagined, to
many, many, many people over very long distances, and they recognize this.
I mention this only because I want to underscorejust how badly they
want to force me into their evil service,expense no object, as well as
stop me from reading and writing about Bush-Company
NWO activities, from Jackson Stephens NWO/NSA web to the
Rothschild's, to rigging the voting machines that they
own, as well as what Id listed earlier.
I should also tell you, that all of this has only
proven to strengthen my faith and understanding of
God, Christ, Spirit, and open my eyes to what is
actually rapidly transpiring now, in America, as they have sold
America and Americans to foreigners, global mobs, and are effectively, quickly
eradicating any protective significance of American citizenship,
flooding us with criminally connected immigrants who
post themselves in every possible public venue and are
only too happy to serve the mob without complaint.
Ans, as you probably are aware, replacing democracy
with high-tech fascism, governed by news blackouts,
media brainwashing,rapidly wiping out our
Constituional rights, and any public reference or
acknowledgement of God, morality.
Goodbye democracy, hello New World Fascism. And with any
who dare to express dissent,and/or CHRISTIANITY, which they consider a threat to their black market economies and slave-control, contained and controlled
by a corrupt police force and the corporately governed
gangs who populate every government agency,public
In any case sir, I have, through my writing,
reporting, web-publishing,ongoing campaign of letters
to attorneys, legislators, human rights groups,
legislators,all press large and small, domestic and
foreign, telling thousands, millions of what my
experience has been, and about the standing threats to
destroy, discredit me, force me into slavery, drive me
nuts or get me labeled as one,(who also threaten to
force my pregnancy from the clandestine chambers of a
state hospital or some other company place, using
false charges, crooked police, company personnel, I
have thus far been able to preserve my liberty. ( Also
because I have shown them I can, at will, "distort",
block images, sounds, inject my own "pictures",sounds,effectively rendering moot, any intent to use me as a camera", a slave, and that
any attempts to try and force me
into "crews" or "service" of any kind,
would result in failure, and
likely prove to be a very, very, costly mistake. I would
rip their networks apart, expose them and their "players".
And I've also
shown them that I have indeed told the
world,and can, through my eye, witness to the world,
everything about who I might face that would try to
injure me, and that I am quite able to effect the defense of my
rights, person, mental accuity, ( excellent
sense-of-taste they can't food-drug me).
And for awhile I have found relative, though
far-from-actual,peace, whilst living with my corrupt
and conscienceless brother, in a normal dwelling while
I have used my time to effect my defense, announce
their plans, and clean and repair my brother's filthy
home, and improve my computer office skills. But I have
still been, virtually, a prisoner, as anytime I
venture in public domains for recreation, or even a
simple trip to the grocery store,library, I am
invariably, instantly the target of "players" trying
to set "programs" as those I've mentioned.
And As I said, this is in huntsville, Alabama, where
I'd begun to reside in 1990, and had worked,
relatively peacefully for many years. Although even
though I was a steady, reliable, dynamic, exemplary
employee in very demanding jobs- highest sales, never absent double-shifts, good customer feedback, was several times fired from jobs without
notice, or any good reason. ( This all well before I was at all
politically active, but not sexually active. Could
that have been it? I wasn't "servicing" anyone? Or was it, as I've read in many
other reports discussing Ultra, just part of their
routine to force people down-and-out, into submission,
slavery?As began when I'd gone to dinner at a friend's home, first and last time, found him tinkering in the garage when he should have been in the kitchen, and the next day my reliable car's engine block exploded? Which started me into the dive, this after they'd managed to convict me of two DUI's though I was under the new and most stringent legal BAC "limit". ( This is how they do the honest,independents,and the poor, in America now.)- Especially if one has been identified as
someone with unique capabilites they want to exploit.
I do believe, all reasons listed are true. Especially after
having heard the reports of so many others who claim
themselves as victims of Ultra,or who have similar nose-dive reports, or as those as
yourself who reveal their control methods , forcing people
out of work,into slavery, surrounding them with their "players",
sending "babysitters" as neighbors to move in an spy
on them, as I have had several times, in the adjacent "company"
duplex, neighbors that NEVER left the premises, dressed in black all the time,
or as rentors now, have access, visit the property from
time-to-time for no apparent reason, spending the
night in an unfurnished abode, then leave, or as I'd caught and
reported to police about several weeksago, I'd
awakened to surveillance, as a SUV had crawled along
the wooded space behind my yard next to railroad tracks and parked there,
for no other reason than to threaten
me, intimidate me, and spy on me. A truck that zoomed
backwards at a considerably rapid rate of speed, the moment I'd
grabbed a video camera and pointed it at them, and
that I noticed week later,but never had seen there
in several years before,entering the private property
of a very small cotton farm, several hundred feet
behind our house ( which is quite separated from RR
track access, by the farms fence).
And sir, because i am aware that many of the
modern churches are crooked, "fronts", anything but
actually spirit led God-driven, commanded-governed Christian,
having visited many last year in another city, and
having spoken to several here, whose administrators
themselves spoke in coded dialogue, trying to "play",
set "programs, I have no fellowship here, and even the
actual, encapsulated, Christians who do exist here, most don't have a
clue about any of this and are too fragile to handle
this kind of problem, understand me and how accurate,
as shocking as it is to them, I am, and to understand
that I have been horribly abused, oppressed,an
honest,resopnsible,capable Christian lady, by our
government, for no other reason than I have unique
abilities they want to control, and knowledge of their
criminal activities, they want to suppress.
But, I am trying to live as normally as possible, with
a brother that wants to hurt me), as I try to bolster
my job skills and establish Christian fellowship,
friendships through web means,( although, that can
also be a dodgy excercise, as they monitor my
mail,phone, my computer,and try to insert their
players to respond to any requests for help.( LAst
time it was a guy responding to an article, a detailed
description of company-mob jail/sheltr underground,
descriptions of their attacks upon me, plea for help,
I'd published on the web, that was clearly "company",
as evidenced by his double-tongued vocabulary.
However, I'm getting pretty good at sussing them out,
before I breach any sort of trap, and I hope to find
God's providence in helping me to get back on my feet,
away from this unholy household.
Back to the point at hand, I would appreceiate your
response, acknowledgement of your having received this
letter, and I request your "guardianship" as it were,
any direction for assistance ( mind you I have NOT
been "altered", "programmed", do not need "therapy",
but may need Ultra- informed, empathetic, effective, Christian legal
counsel, and would appreciate it if you would extend
your support in networking, correspondence, should
they manage to achieve their goal of false
Thank you sir for your time, and all your reports,
God bless and guide you,
Ms. V. Smith
401 Oakland Rd.
Madison, Alabama
P.S. I don't "play", I've never "played", I hate "players" and this is quite truthful.
Ms. V. Smith