Pierre Boules-Eye |
17.02.2004 23:03
Want to give evidence to the Butler inquiry into 'WMD' non-intelligence? That's the latest whitewash 'inquiry' set up by Blair so he can postpone answering awkward questions like, er, why we went to war. There must be plenty of people out there who want to give a bit of advice and a few pointers to Lord Butler. Perhaps you were conned by bollocks in the papers about 45 minutes? Let Lord B know about it! Even if you weren't, let him know anyway! Go to the evidence form at
http://www.butlerreview.org.uk/contact/ (this page is on the official website for the 'inquiry') or email
secretary@butlerreview.org.uk. They're waiting to hear from you!
PS. They might be Blair's lackeys but please try not to be too rude... :)
PPS. When you're done, there's a satirical version of the official site at
http://www.butlerreview.org . It's the Bottler Inquiry!