Prince Bernhards Nazi-connections, Englandspiel; open letter
Charles Destrée | 17.02.2004 00:53
On 7 February 2004 His Royal Highness Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands published an Open Letter in the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant (The popular Newspaper).
I wrote by e-mail an Open Letter in answer, to around 100 addresses. Included the most important Dutch media.
Also yet a bit personally; as former Resistance member under the Prince's Command in Chief in his Interior Armed Forces. And as war volunteer in the King's weapon-dress in the Prince's Stoottroepen (Shock Troops).
Between more I wrote: "But Bernhard watches naturally well to not react on my open letters, wherein he is put on shame. Because he restricts it to doltish affairs.
Where it concerns the Orange-fascist dirty tricks our Prince keeps quiet.
Let's consider this as an open letter to Prince Bernhard.
And let's once look, if he dares to react on it!
Now everybody is witness of it.
The rest will still follow, by life and welfare.
Well, here it than is. And I mentioned numerous lies in Bernhard Open Letter.
Everybody knows that he was a Nazi, an SS-man, and that Queen Wilhelmina at that time, 1934, coupled him to her daughter Juliana. To be the House of Orange's breeder.
The Princely fairy tales, and the Orange-fascist facts.
In a message to the group pf-research (busy to discover the backgrounds of the murder on 6 May 2002 on Pim Fortuyn, who had a chance to become Prime Minister) the journalist Henk Ruyssenaars sent the daring "HR-Thesis: Journalists and other figures with butter on her head, are exàctly as head-in-the-sand-politics – easily recognisable by their mouth full of sand.
Wherewith can be added: And yet also in their eyes, however already protected with the by a conviction fitting blinkers.
The Volkskrant naturally has also journalists.
Following Pieter Broertjes and Remco Meijer, reporters of The Volkskrant Bernhard feels "himself target of 'many, often vile an unfounded attacks in publications and in the media'."
"He reacts once 'to do right to the reputation of my parents' and 'from proper sense of honour'.
The letter is unprecedented hard against a number of publicists, between whom Tomas Ross, Hans Galesloot and J.G. Kikkert. It hinders the Prince above all that the good name of his mother is soiled. Also are 'the borders of decency' following his views 'far exceeded' with accusations that he himself on two moments has played a dubi-ous role during the Second World War."
Only two times? Because, indeed, thereabout can be written a whole book. A thick one even. Wim Klinkenberg did it already. But a much thicker book could follow on it. When the Netherlands was a democracy. And not an Orange-fascist mandarin-monarchy.
"Prince Bernhard says to have felt years long helpless, because as Member of the Royal House he had to tear. 'I got little by little a complex of it.' To make a clean sweep' (in Dutch 'clean ship') during his evening of life, The Prince has let make by Hans van der Voet, former head-director of the States Information Service, last year a large research on the behind-laying sources in revenged publications like Because of the Throne. Those are wa-fer-thin, concludes Van der Voet in a report that sustains the letter of the Prince. One can read it on the website of the Volkskrant."
It is however the conclusion of Van der Voet that's 'wafer-thin'. And between those "behind-laying sources" by hazard I am counting myself. But I didn't se or hear anything from Hans van der Voet, Pieter Broertjes and/or Remco Meijer. While since long-time they already could have known it.
Because I inform regularly all important Dutch media, also De Volkskrant, and also university top-figures, about my findings in my historical research about the Orange-fascist – via between more the betraying German-British-Dutch Englandspiel. But they react on this with not an only single word.
Wèll I was menaced with a "deliberate " about the "measures" one should entries against me. But wherefore apparently one didn't (yet) have the pluck.
"Brief and report handle between more about the marriage of Prince Bernhard's parents, about a suggested relation of his mother Armgard with family-friend Pantchoulidzew, about the supposed betrayal of the battle on Arnhem (1944) and about the suggestion that Bernhard in 1942 in a further unknown 'stadtholder's-letter' should have offered his services as stadtholder of the Netherlands to the Nazi-regime. 'I offer a million to the one who shows me that letter', the Prince said in a short oral comment on the letter, earlier this week in the Soestdijk palace."
That concerned 'stadtholder's-letter' falls in the beginning period of the Englandspiel. I short I'll come once gain with the laundry list of the Orange-fascist political murder on all those who would publish their revelations on the Englandspiel. That's till today absolutely taboo. The recent false representation on it by the promoted 'doctor in History' Jo Wolters was therefore greeted by Prince Bernhard with congratulations telegram. My open letter to the author and the high Professors De Jong and Blom remained naturally without an answer. I told in between it more, that it was, please note this, Jo Wolters who, as the great specialist of the than RIOD, told me that he had discovered that Queen Wilhelmina also was behind it. Something that seemed to me, after only four years of research - and as a 'normal' Orange-custom – sounded in the ears as unbelievable. Now, after 14 years of research, I know that he was more than right. But 'doctor' Jo Wolters hides it, and is congratulated by Prince Bernhard.
"I say normally: no, not true." /…/ Concerning the Greet Hofmans-affair: "The secret report lays in the Royal House-archive, where it remains closed hundred years. (Oops…) Bernhard, in the discussion: 'What concerns me the report becomes public tomorrow. But following agreement with Beel at the time that's not possible. (Oops…) I naturally haven much spoken with him about it. ''Your role couldn't better'', Beel has said.' In the report-Van der Voet is confirmed that Bernhard at the time had let leak the escalating situation on the Court to the (foreign) press 'To shake awake everybody, especially the government'.
"Following the Prince his mother, whom he loved much, didn't live loosely. His father died when Bernhard was 12. That Colonel Pantchoulidzew in all literature dives up as 'life-companion' is unjust, says the Prince."
What now? Bernhard is born in 1911. His father died in 1934. In Holland one learns though at school 34 – 11 = 23. False! That's 12. Following Bernhard's apparently German calculation. No wonder that the Germans have lost the war. In a Felderhof-like interview Bernhard tells also yet lying, that he ridiculed his brother (Aschwin) for his pro-Nazi-standpoint. Felderhof naturally didn't ask: ''But you yourself was an SS-man also?"
- 'That comes now just because I never has been admitted to contradict something. My other has been described as a Tolle Lola.
But when the Colonel had been her life-companion, than surely I should have spoken about it with him and her. I can declare with the hand on my heart that he her even never has kissed on the cheek.'
Bernhard himself can have kissed Pantchoulidzew wèll on the cheek. When he put on his disposition his Swiss bank account to transfer the Lockheed hush money on it.
"Prince Bernhard doesn't think that with his letter he helps all in his eyes untrue stories out of the world. 'That should be delicious, but I don't expect it. I found it my duty to say finally something and with that I'm very happy. That I call up maybe again new reactions, honestly doesn't interest me a ball.' [end quote Volkskrant ]"
No. Because what interests Bernhard?Money! As the 'Royal commercial traveller', and the father of Beatrix the Taciturn, or Beatrix the Rich – in imitation of her already even greedy and' rücksichtslose' ancestors.
But no Dutch hound that's biting to it, nobody who will be the wiser.
The Newsletter announces on 7 February:
- "Premier Balkenende has given Prince Bernhard the space to put one time his story in front of all messages that circulate about him. "When he on this age feels the necessity to have said one time how following him it all is, he must get for that the occasions ", declares the spokesman of the premier. /…/ About the contents of the open letter the premier has no opinion."
- "PvdA can live with letter Bernhard". So said PvdA-Parliament Member Kalsbeek. "I have not so much problems with it." They take the view that the research of Van der Voet has been serious. "That's a man of irre-proachable behaviour. On forehand I have no reason to doubt about the results."
But Van der Voet is, seen the facts, indeed an unreliable individual.
- D66 acclaims the open letter of Prince Bernhard. "The Prince doesn't need to wear his heart upon his sleeve ", thinks D66-fraction-president Dittrich. He says that the step of the Prince fixes within "modern kingdom". Members of the Royal House should following him get more elbowroom to react on messages in the media.
As much elbow room as with the scooping full troughs of money to their immense, also secret, fortune.
"Dittrich well adds to it that the Royal House must not react on everything to not become a playing ball of the press. /…/ Dittrichs party–member and vice-premier De Graaf showed in the TROS-radio program 'Kamerbreed' also comprehension for the heartfelt cry of the Prince. "There is nothing on against. He has got the last time rather what 'faction' over him." Faction is a mixture of van fiction and facts.
But where is than precisely the fiction, and where lay the facts? II am willingly, however not with much real pleasure, ready to prove that on the hand of indisputable and generally uncontested historical facts.
- "GroenLinks reacts retaining and thinks that the politic now is not on its move. Fraction-leader Halsema puts up with the letter of Bernhard, she lets know via a spokesman. "It is his own choice."
- Koekkoek: "The open brief of Prince Bernhard is "not intelligent, but well understandable", said Alis Koek-koek, professor Constitutional Law at the University of Tilburg, Saturday. /.../ The ministerial responsibility plays only when the public interest is at issue, for example when the prestige of the monarchy is damaged.'' Koekkoek doesn't think that this last is the case."
Oh no. But than also totally and absolutely not. One has to be Professor of Constitutional Law in Tilburg and CDA-senator Alis Koekkoek, to come to such a conclusion.
"Koekkoek takes the action of the Prince not intelligent because on this manner us created again rumour about thorny subjects. "This doesn't benefit the rest around these questions ", expects the professor, because the authors who Bernhard accuse will go to defend themselves.
Koekkoek thinks it comprehensive that the Prince seen his age "following his feeling will make a clean sweep", but it should have been better to let make "extending historical research" to the by Bernhard named affairs. Therewith should following the professor a recognised, respected historical must tackle himself the
material on base of controllable sources. The study of former RVD-chief Van der Voet doesn't meet the need of those claims.
Members of the Royal House can following Koekkoek normally step to the judge to fight against lies in the media. He points on late Prince Claus who with success cracked the gossip press."
Here Koekkoek so is venturing on very dangerous territory. And so that he shall no be thanked. However the today's (Orange-) fascist tendency id no more to use Gestapo-methods in the style of 'Hold your mouth' – but following the de method 'Chatter always'. Like the French comic Coluche characterised the difference between dictatorship and democracy. Speaking about 'clean sweep'. After the 'liberation' the chief of the The Hague's 'Sonderkommando Frank'' had been tracked, and he had declared that he would come to Holland to make a 'clean sweep'. About dirty affairs wherein between more were implicated the businessman Zwolsman and Bern-hard's friend doctor Hoelen (of the Ursula-clinic where also Queen Juliana in the Greet Hofmans-affair should have been 'treated'. The author Galesloot wrote: that Bernhard committed 'character-murder'). That making of a 'clean sweep' by Frank was written forbidden by the just from collaboration acquitted Master of law 'Harry' van Doorn. Who later became president of the radiobroadcast of the KRO, and minister under Den Uyl. Because he had as Public Prosecutor in a by 'Justice' organised fake-lawsuit against Anton van der Waals let condemn him to death. As the awful only betrayer in the Englandspiel – what in lawsuit was forbidden to be mentioned, no more than even only the names of Prince Bernhard and his Orangefascist chief Queen Wilhelmina. So that Or-ange appeared spic-and-span from the though well indeed by her committed collaboration. Where about I also told something to (the most famous Dutch thriller author) Tomas Ross, and wherefore he thanked me friendly in his book 'Because of the Throne.
- "Author Ross: my sources are good "I have proofs and sources for my accusations ", reacts author Tomas Ross Saturday on the accusations of Prince Bernhard. The writer calls the open letter of the Prince, wherein he be-tween more Ross accuses of informing of untruthfulness about him and his mother, 'mustard after the meal' (to late to be of any cause). When the Prince has objections against publications, he earlier had could undertake action and get out for the judge, said Ross Saturday in the Radio-1-journaal. Ross said that the State's Informa-tion Service in the past has reacted on his book 'Because of the Throne', but recently nothing more has let hear of it."
And so we can continue during several thousands of pages.
Shall now De Volkskrant, Van der Voet, Pieter Broertjes and Remco Meijer, Hans Galesloot and J.G. Kikkert, come attack me and ask to tell yet anything more?
Like indeed did some British researchers?
That I signed: Charles Destrée, 7 February 2004.
As PS I added:
Elsewhere I mentioned yet this [in (my) 'English']:
I never succeeded to make contact with a German historian or researcher.
That's a pity. Because my story can serve the German people.
I prove how the German Nazi-terrorism was closely linked with the Allied Multi-Nazionism – that's Multina-tional-Zionism plus Christianism or Christism (instead of Christianity, analogous with Islamism beside Islam).
So both were guilty of all dramatic suffering.
Five examples will be sufficient to prove these links:
- The Dutch Queen Wilhelmina, 'the richest woman of the world' ('Royal Dutch'/Shell with Hitler's friend Sir Deterding as president), chooses SS-man Prince Bernhard as reproducer for the House of Orange.
- The International Olympic Committee had the responsibility to ask Leni Riefenstahl to make the film about the Nazi-propaganda Olympic Games in 1936. Which was awarded in Hollywood in 1938 (and even after WW II).
- In 1938 Great Britain and France collaborated with Hitler in the Pact of Munich.
- In June 1940 the American multinational Standard Oil and the biggest German multinational founded together a chemical factory near Auschwitz, where of the SS hired prisoners worked till the fell dead.
- In the Englandspiel it were Germany, Great Britain (the German originated House of Windsor) and Holland (the German originated House of Orange) that collaborated with the invincible considered Germany.
These five examples can be completed with several thousands pages of other proofs.
In a following e-mail I wrote:
Prince Bernhard and the conscience – and the media
In the group pf-onderzoek was continued to discuss about the open letter of Prince Bernhard.
The (real) journalist Henk Ruyssenaars had "seen on the national Hans Laroes-remedy, at 8 o'clock, the detailed 'Oratio pro domo' of the RVD-Journal." And Ruyssenaars remarked between more:
"Because it is absolutely to mad for words that Dutch colleagues dare not to tell that they don't agree with you, or under proper name dare to deliver comment." And:
"When you are afraid, you must not be honest neither want to be journalist:
Even Soestdijk washes whiter with OMO, and the RVD"
I added:
Yesterday watching NOVA via de dish antenna-TV BVN, I imagined myself during the time of the German occupation. The Sunday-afternoon cabaret of Paul de Ruyter.
There was a whole group Orange-fascists. I in the middle of it and so didn't know who participated. Because they damn to will put regularly the names of the collaborators on the screan. I only recognised Maartje van Wegen.
Maartje talks touched of the "frankness", and says the Prince "disattached".
That's very just, but than in the sense of disattached of all honesty and feeling for responsibility.
It shouldn't be a dishonour to make a 'clean sweep', to recognise that he has made many faults. But it should be indeed terrible.
Remarke is between more:
"It is a absurd discussion." "It is good that he has done it." "When they feel oppressed in that glass house, the must ahev the spave to defend themselves."
Seek at Forbes for the fortune of Beatrix doesn't give any result (after Bernhard has made them walk in step).
Bernhard again comes up with his clean conscience. "I haven't lost one hour of sleep." He applies the method Coué: "I àm not a bad human, I hàve a proper conscience ".
Bernhard even comes up with a communist to prove how true he speaks. The socialism is worth nothing, because Tito already said that it was "bullshit". Thus.
Here I will publicly recognise, that I have myself not such a immaculate conscience. Sometimes I've made wrong things. That you shouldn't have thought, isn't it.
But I have also sometimes I did nòt do wrong things. Like betraying of my Resistance comrades. Because I never was arrested, and tortured. Because than I should maybe could have done it.
Therabout I have had, such a thirty years after the war, a long time many sleepless nights.
The concluding sentence of the NOVA-cabaret was: "I imagine that he's going again to make a nice walk."
With pleasure I invite (and provoke) very 'historian', media man and journalist to let me once prove something.
To not serve the Orangefascist, but the Public Interest.
Charles Destrée, 8 February 2004.
Nobody came.
NOVA answers on 9 February:
"Cordially thanks for your mail. Seen the growing number e-mails that reaches our redaction we are sadly not in state to send everybody a personal answer.
What we do well with your mail?
- All mails are red;
- Questions that concern the broadcasts, for example about turned music or about a book review etc., are an-swered as soon as possible;
- Reactions and remarks or critics, tips and recommendations are accepted in thanks".
Signed: "NPS – Program information. Peter Vreeken".
Who is Peter Vreeken.
On 16 September I mailed to a number of addresses the message:
"NOVA and its Peter Vreeken are liars. Already on 19 March 2001 he answered me on my email 'Competition envy, and tolerance': 'I asked you to be removet (sic) from your file. Nothing more and noth6ing less." (NPS Program information – Peter Vreeken – publiek (at) –
One has to remark an evolution since September 2003!
Disappeared has the mention: "- reactions and remarks or critics are discussed during evaluations."
On 16 September I sent the message: "As answer already directly comes a restriction:
"Cordially thanks for your contribution. We'll read your message and generally place we it than within several hours.
For the rest Hans Laroes, the editor in chief of the NOS Journal, answers regularly questions from the guest book. His contributions you can find on the part Responsibility."
Try once to establish a contact with Hans Laroes. Result zero.
Marks of Honour
Numerous streets, squares, avenues and Buildings are named Prince Bernhard.
On the same Saturday 7 February my former Resistance comrade Cor Schouten was buried. He was a very brave and active Resistance-member. He had tried to let bear a street the name of Jaap Zeeman. Who was his and my Resistance chief in the 6th Section Regional Task Troops, Region 11. The answer was, that in the municipality of Alkmaar already one street bore the name of a Resistance man. That was enough.
Myself I tried to let give in the community of Broek op Langedijk the name of the Resistance-member Jaap Balder. Who was mainly implicated in an Escape line for Air force personal, betrayed, and shot.
Just before the 'liberation' all members of Resistance got an armband with the mention 'orange' on it. If you were Orangist, or communist, anarchist or republican. Your opinion was not asked. Later the Resistance-members were occupied with several tasks. First in arresting-groups of former collaborators. Sometimes in tasks of guard-ing different objects. In the neighbourhood of the community of Anna Paulowna the Allied troops had reserved a terrain, where all the rolling material of the German army was gathered. To pass their time, Canadians and Brit-ish hold stock-car racings with all what could be driven. While in Holland there was an important need of that material. Our chief Jaap Zeeman had to travel on his bicycle. So we took a DKW-car from the stock, drove it to our garage, and revised it. After that we transmitted it to Jaap, who travelled with it. Till he was arrested, and accused of theft of State's property. It hurted him almost deadly. Like we all, we didn't get any mark of recogni-tion.
The House of Orange and the conscience – and the media
The German occupation of the Netherlands began on 10 May 1940. It finished for the southern part in September 1944, and for the whole Netherlands on 8 May 1945.
During that occupation the House of Orange entertained its publicity. Airplanes dropped photos of the Royal family. The possession and transmission of these photos was forbidden by the Germans and severely punished. Our family was 'normally' Royalist, but no fans. When my father, doctor, was arrested for the first time – on order of the Germans by the collaborating municipal police of Alkmaar – he just had received from a patient a photo of Queen Wilhelmina. In his cellar he ate it.
Meanwhile the House of Orange was collaborating with the German occupier. But that nobody knew. And it was naturally unbelievable. And it remained hidden. Official historians and history writing don't mention it. And still today nobody wants to know it…
Resistance History
Who was in Resistance knew naturally that it was a perilous enterprise. And it had a very low useful yield. Be-cause much time had to be spent to let appear to the people in the neighbourhood, that one was busy with some-thing else, had a normal activity.
Only about quarter of the time was at disposal of the Resistance-work, and often during the night.
Sometimes mysterious events happened, which never were resolved.
Like the attack on our family-home, that was executed on 25 April 1945. About 30 policeman of the Sicherheits-dienst of Alkmaar invaded our home. Also the house of neighbours almost in front of our home was visited. Fortunately we had a very serious warning-organisation, so that at our home no man was arrested. After 4 hours of searching the Germans leaved, taking with them six men from the neighbours.
Till 5 May we, the escaped men, staid hidden elsewhere.
But at the time the situation was so fast evolving, that nothing bad happened to the prisoners. While several days before in the province of Friesland in similar circumstances six men had been shot.
Hereunder are told two stories, which found its solution more than half a century later.
At the end of 1944 a Resistance member, Gerrit Jongbloed, decided to lend his car for the good sake. Spare parts were very difficult to find. To repair it, it was necessary to bring the car to a safe place, far from curious people. At the time after 8 o'clock in the evening for everybody it was forbidden to be outside of his home. Nevertheless in a night the car was carried by several burly men in a barge, and covered with a tarpaulin. One man started to push the barge with his punting-pole to its place of destination, a small shed. But on the way, turning into a ditch, suddenly he saw another barge from the other side turning into the same ditch, and that approached. Were it Germans? What to do? He couldn't return, that should have raised suspicion. Thus he continued to push, and passed the other barge, without saying or hearing a word. Finally he arrived at destinations, the car was dis-charged, and carried in the shed. In the next days a mechanic worked on it, and I was charged to be on guard.
This is one part of the story.
On a meeting of veterans, the owner of the car (who never more had found a track of his car after the 'liberation') told this story, and I said him that I had have been on the guard.
A third veteran, Bart Benedick, hearing this story, manifested his astonishment. He told, that in a night he had to transport weapons to their destination, a windmill, on the way to Alkmaar. The weapons were carried in a barge, and he got on way, pushing with his punting-pole. When he turned into a ditch, he saw arrive from the other side another barge, with something voluminous covered by a tarpaulin. Were it Germans? What to do? He couldn't return, that should have raised suspicion. Thus he continued, and passed the other barge, without saying or hear-ing a word.
Only that day of the meeting for both barge-pushers the mystery was resolved, half a century later.
To finish the destination of the weapons: they were born over a street, put in another barge just to pass a canal and arrive near the mill. There the weapons were hidden. This all had to be done in absolute silence. But near the mill was a windscreen with glass. And Jaap Zeeman, who was there to help to bear the weapons, was night-blind. With his arms full of weapons he walked into the glass of the windscreen what made a very loud noise. But fortunately no neighbour showed curious.
The second history is that about what is known as the 'Battle near Rustenburg'. A weapon dropping in the night of 10 to 11 October 1944 on the BBO-dropping field Lobster near Obdam in North-Holland was cancelled. When the receiving-team returned home, near a bridge near Rustenburg they were taken under fire by collabora-tors of the 'Land guard'. The transport team that ignored this situation on the same place was laid in ambush. Two men escaped, but the KP-man Gerard Veldman was killed and others, between whom Frans van der Zijden heavily wounded.
The next day the farm Houtlust, which served as weapon store and escape base, was visited by at least hundred Germans of the commando Feldgendarmerie from Alkmaar under Knipschilt, later strengthened with Sicher-heitspolizei herewith Lages and Viebahn, and policemen of the Orpo (Ordnungspolizei). The SD shot the owner of Houtlust, Piet de Boer, his father Dirk, and the BS-Resistance-members Johan de Jong, Floor Niele, Piet Wagenaar and Jan Walter. Under the eyes of his wife, who hold her little son in her arms.
Everybody thought, that one of the wounded of the preceding night, Frans van der Zijden, had betrayed the ad-dress of the farm, after have been tortured by the Germans. But half a century later the mystery is resolved. A at the time not suspected but implicated Resistance-member had a motorcycle. Another Resistance member used this motorcycle. But the owner had promised the engine to his he son. And this was afraid that it was used with not enough care, especially that night wherein the 'Battle of Rustenburg' should take place. So he talked about this with his school-friend. Whose father was collaborating in the 'Landguard'. And thus this father knew about what had to be happening that night, and warned the Sicherheitsdienst. The son told this to a friend half a century later, when he was near to die.
This were not fairy tales, but hard reality.
If the lies go very fast
The truth will never be the last.
(And if life today goes very fast
The death will never be the last.)
Best wishes,
Charles Destrée, 10 February 2004.
by Charles Destrée Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2004 at 8:59 PM
kaak (at)
Excuse me, in my preceding message were some mistakes in spite of all efforts of correction.
Read for "ahev the spave" please "have the space".
Further: "Like we all,(not 'we' but) he didn't get any mark of recognition."
Thanks. Charles Destrée
Charles Destrée