Blackwood update from protest camp
Col. Buendia | 11.02.2004 14:10
As of noon today there had been no sign of anyone except Costain's security people, so if evictions are going to go ahead, at least the cops will have to turn up first. A far as the court order goes, one of the law firms in London is looking at it with a view to challenging it straight away. Phone calls of support keep coming through to the camp from various wildlife groups, and apparently one is now preparing a court case against Costain for the destruction of the doormice habitat.
Once again the same appeal - bodies needed on site. Anyone free please head for Blackwood, this is turing into an expense mess for Costain, and who knows, maybe a European challenge for doormice might achieve what the expressed opinion of the local people couldn't - halt the war machine!
Col. Buendia
buendia at
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