FEAR IS THE KEY...Avian Flu, old mcdonald, and his farm...
captain wardrobe | 06.02.2004 15:19
"A form of avian influenza responsible for the death of tens of thousands of chickens in the Far East in recent weeks has killed 12 people in Vietnam, most of them children, the World Health Organization reported yesterday. "
So far there has been no evidence of the virus being passed from person to person -- which would be necessary for it to spread on an epidemic scale. Preliminary reports from northern Vietnam -- where all 14 confirmed cases occurred -- said that many of the victims lived in villages where chickens were dying, suggesting they may have been infected directly by the fowl. "
'Bird Flu' Leaves 12 People Dead in Vietnam, WHO Says
[this story was on the BBC it has since DISSAPEARED]
According to the latest figures from the U.S. Census Bureau
the population in Asia is approx 3,363 million people.
& the world population is currently 6,375,882,069 [07/01/04]
"Hanoi - Millions of people around the world could die if the H5N1 strain of bird flu in Asia combines with another human influenza virus that is moving towards the region, the World Health Organisation said on Tuesday.
Dr Shigeru Omi, director of the UN health agency's Western Pacific office, said there was a chance the two viruses could meet and mutate, triggering a global pandemic. "
Bird flu: 'Millions could die'
but the story gets stranger...
Friday, 30 January, 2004
"Scientists are preparing to exhume the body of a woman who
died of flu 85 years ago to find out how the virus killed millions across Europe.
Phyllis Burn died aged 20 in 1918, a victim of the 20th Century's worst flu epidemic,
which killed more than 30 million people.
She was buried in a lead coffin, thought to be virtually airtight, in Twickenham, south-west London. "
Flu victim exhumed after 85 years
apparently, the BIG 1918 epidemic was avian flu...
"Scientists have worked out how the virus which caused the world's worst ever flu epidemic infected man. They believe the virus, which claimed the lives of 50m people around the world, jumped from birds to humans."
1918 killer flu secrets revealed
they even have a photo of her!
"The move has the support of Miss Burn's niece, Hilary Burn-Callander,
who told BBC London she was a bit surprised at first by the request."
WEIRD or what!!!???
Clicking the 'related sites' link
in the 'killer flu secrets revealed' story takes you to an original SARS scare story:
"Experts believe that an infectious illness spreading around the world is not influenza.
Despite this, however, its virulent and contagious nature has already
led to comparisons with the 1918 "Spanish Flu" pandemic.
Flu: A warning from history
...funny that!
...and clicking the 'Flu victim exhumed after 85 years' years related site link,
take you to St Bartholemews Hospital website,
where I could find NO mention of virology...whatsoever...
Now...to go back to the top of this article and re-read the quotes...
"So far there has been no evidence of the virus being passed from person to person
-- which would be necessary for it to spread on an epidemic scale."
"Scientists have worked out how the virus which caused the world's worst ever flu epidemic infected man. They believe the virus, which claimed the lives of 50m people around the world, jumped from birds to humans."
So ...hang on...Avian flu can't be passed person to person...RIGHT?
and the epidemic in 1918 was HUGE...
a person to person virus: right?
"The influenza pandemic circled the globe.
Most of humanity felt the effects of this strain of the influenza virus.
It spread following the path of its human carriers, along trade routes and shipping lines.
Outbreaks swept through North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Brazil and the South Pacific
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918 Stanford University
Hey! I'm confused...
AND ...Now it's pigs...!!!
"Some experts suspect that the 1918 pandemic was caused by a type A virus which
moved from pigs to humans. Known as Spanish Flu it wiped out whole communities."
[infonation TV news treatment]
"Infonation have worked regularly with
major government departments as well as international corporations."
corporate clients include:
Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Department of Trade and Industry,
Department of Culture Media & Sport, Aviation and Maritime Dept
the above is virtually the same story...
DUG UP CADAVOURS [a Phyllis Burn] and all...
only this document was created 23rd Jan 03
is the date a year wrong?
Old McDonald had a farm...
social engineering through foreign disease
speculation & fear-mongering...
Global economic psy-warfare...anyone?
captain wardrobe
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