Gender Equality in Plymouth
vinny | 30.01.2004 18:11
femi•nism / fem n z m/ noun [U] the belief and aim that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men; the struggle to achieve this aim
femi•nist / fem n st/ noun a person who supports the belief that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men
Do you believe in equal human rights for all, regardless of gender, race or sexual orientation?
Do you identify yourself as a Radical feminist, a Second Wave feminist, a Third Wave feminist (such as a Riot Grrl), a Spiritual feminist, or perhaps you prefer to go without a label?
Do you want to be part of Plymouths new group for Gender Equality?
We will meet regularly in a warm and comfortable place with plenty of good coffee, and discuss Current Events, Social Policy, the Media, and many other issues that concern and affect us. Whether you want to help create an active organization dedicated to fighting injustice, or you would like to develop initiatives to improve the lives of local people, or maybe you just want to meet interesting adults for some intelligent conversation in between work, family and television… Please start by calling Vinny on 01752 297907, or mobile 07789 917531, or alternatively email