Scottish Moblisation for the European Social Forum 2004
notatrot | 30.01.2004 14:54
The first meeting of the Scottish Mobilisation for ESF 2004 will be held on
Thursday 19th February, 7.30pm - 9pm
STUC offices which is on the corner of Woodlands Road and Park Road, Glasgow
The first meeting of the Scottish Mobilisation for ESF 2004 will be held on
Thursday 19th February, 7.30pm - 9pm
STUC offices which is on the corner of Woodlands Road and Park Road, Glasgow.
This will be an open space meeting for anyone and everyone who wishes to participate in mobilising for the ESF.
1. Some background information about the ESF and the previous ESF in Paris 2003 and Florence 2002.
2. Some background information about meetings that have been held for ESF 2004.
3. Deciding on the purpose of the SMC (including changing its name if desirable).
3. Setting groundrules for Scottish Mobilisation for ESF 2004
- and depending on this discussion nominating secretaries, chairpersons, spokepersons etc. for the SMC
- and again, depending on this discussion setting up a bank account and nominating treasurers.
4. AOB
Organisations involved in the Scottish Mobilising Committee ESF 2004 so far include:
Gill Hubbard on behalf of Globalise Resistance Scotland
Mike Arnott secretary on behalf of Dundee Trades Union Council
Reverend Erik Cramb on behalf of Scottish Churches Industrial Mission
David Miller on behalf of Glasgow NUJ
David Sherry branch secretary on behalf of TGWU 7/151 Scottish Housing branch
Robina Qureshi Director on behalf of Positive Action in Housing
Peter Kelly Acting Director on behalf of Poverty Alliance
Pete Cannell & Steve McMurray, joint secretaries on behalf of Edinburgh Stop the War Coalition
Robin McAlpine editor on behalf of Scottish Left Review
Mick Napier on behalf of Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Phil Taylor on behalf of Stirling University Stop the War Group
Jim Slaven on behalf of the James Connolly Society
Eileen cook, Acting Secretary, Edinburgh CND
Ally Black on behalf of SSP
Peter Cheer on behalf of Scottish Green Party
Aamer Anwar human rights lawyer
& Mary Senior International Officer on behalf of STUC is supporting the SMC