Demonstrations against the FTAA in the entire continent will increase
RealWorldRadio | 28.01.2004 17:02 | Globalisation | Liverpool | London
Today morning started the first meetings, where the action strategies of the Continental Campaign against the FTAA are being made.
RealworldRadio correspondent in Havana stated that the expectation is focus in the report that will be presented by the social movements delegates that took part of the World Social Forum in Mumbai, India.
One of the stronger debates is raised by the Brazilian delegation that don’t evaluates –as the Lula government does- that having reached a “light FTAA” would be a victory of the developing countries.
Previously it was said that this 3rd encounter would be more “radical” than the past ones, in the sense that the social movements of the Continental Campaign against the FTAA doesn’t allow any kind of commercial agreement with the US.