Richard | 23.01.2004 14:29
IT’S a privilege and a pleasure to write this column. As I’ve often said, it’s what stops me roaming the streets with a Kalashnikov, firing at random.
If even the tiniest fraction of what I write penetrates the thick skulls of the self-righteous imbeciles who run this country, then it may even be worthwhile.
But what about all those of you who don’t have access to such a platform?
What can you do to let off steam, to try to get someone, somewhere, to sit up and take notice?
You can vote every five years or so, if you can be bothered. But as Red Ken once remarked, if voting changed anything, they’d abolish it.
You can write to your MP, but it’s a waste of ink. If you’re really angry, you can write to the Prime Minister or a member of the Cabinet.
But it won’t make the slightest bit of difference. A polite acknowledgement from a junior official is about the best you can hope for.
So today I’m giving over a large chunk of this column to Sun reader Grace Ingram, who has written to us in support of our campaign to get Captain Hook kicked out of the country.
Grace has been on his case almost as long as I have. Her experience is an object lesson in the way the British Government works.
This is her story.
“In September 2002, I wrote to the Home Secretary seeking the removal of this parasite from the UK.
“Having received no response, I sent a reminder and subsequently received a letter dated 25 November from Miss J Davis of the Direct Communications Unit.
“Her letter did not specifically refer to Abu Hamza, who I had written about, but just a general comment on Government policy with regard to terrorism.”
Fair enough. David Blunkett is a busy man. I’m not able to answer personally the thousands of letters and e-mails I receive, either. But I do try to read them all.
Grace continues: “I subsequently wrote back saying she appeared not to understand the point I was making and that I took great exception to a man who said he wanted to kill as many Americans and British as he and others could and that this was Government promoting his right to ‘free speech’.
“I pointed out that my father (now aged 87) fought in World War 2 for free speech but not for the likes of Abu Hamza to come to this country to incite unrest and hatred. Also, one of the questions I asked was the immigration status of Abu Hamza.
“I then received a letter from Olubimpe Dina of the Racist Crime Unit of the Home Office, informing me that they were not able to discuss the immigration status of individuals.
“Why not? I am English and this man is in my country and I feel I (and every other citizen) have the right to know who has or is seeking citizenship of my/our country. I also said that as my taxes were going towards the upkeep of this individual, then it was most certainly my right to know.
“I quote from one part of the letter which you may find interesting: ‘As long as people do not break our laws, they are free to express views with which the Government may profoundly disagree, including criticism of friendly governments’.”
Grace goes on: “I feel Abu Hamza has long since passed these simple sentiments and has done everything he can to recruit young Muslims for a ‘jihad’ against the USA, UK and all coalition governments and his incitement of racial hatred does not sit well with my view of free speech. I pointed out that if I had spoken in a similar vein, I would have been arrested and most likely imprisoned.”
Your feet wouldn’t touch, Grace.
“In January 2003, I received a letter from Sharif Assan San Jose of the Asylum Policy Unit enclosing a fact sheet on asylum policy!”
In desperation, Grace wrote to us.
“Please, my Sun, do everything you can to have this monster removed from our shores without further delay. My husband and I have completed your form in the paper today and asked our friends to do likewise or use your phone poll line.
“As an individual, I have also written to my MP, John Taylor, taken part in a phone-in on Radio WM when this issue first arose and even written to Sir John Stevens, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, asking him to take action. What else can I do?”
Good question, Grace.
I wouldn’t expect the wise monkeys at the Home Office to take any notice of you. But I can’t say I’m surprised that they passed you on to the “Racist Crimes Unit” — whatever that is.
Perhaps they were planning to have you arrested for “hate crime”.
What you must understand is that this Government couldn’t care less what you think about Captain Hook or anything else.
You are nothing but a bloody nuisance as far as they are concerned.
The same goes for the 75,000 who have so far rung our hotline and for all 10million Sun readers.
Those who run this country are more concerned with the rights of terrorists, parasites, paedophiles, criminals, illegal immigrants and assorted lowlife than the rights of the people who pay their wages.
All we can do is keep on kicking them in the hope that something will get through.
We may not always win, but we might just score a direct hit every now and again.
Sometimes I think I’m dancing in the dark. But the joy of receiving your letters is the knowledge that I’m not alone.
I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone, either.
Good on yer, Grace.
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