Meadowlands: Join us in stopping Eviction 26/01
StopTheEviction | 19.01.2004 21:30
Some 35 supporters including travellers from Essex and Bedfordshire have already pledged to come to Meadowlands on Sunday January the 25th and stay overnight to oppose and stop the eviction, which will start at 8 am on Monday morning.
There is accommodation on site in trailers for supporters, bring your own sleeping bag. If you can come to Chelmsford station call Frances – 07721081000 or Jim- 07876697015 to get a lift to the caravan park.
Following the “Battle of Bulkington” Travellers from the site collected £320 so we have a fund = travel expenses can be paid back, if needed. Teas and sandwiches supplied!
Meadowlands now has deep ditchs and high earth banks protecting it. Please bring whatever may help you resist, banners, relevant tools and equipment…
The anti-evictions campaign is being run by the NATIONAL TRAVELLERS ACTION GROUP- contact Cliff Codona 01767689736
The NTAG believes that by stopping evictions (non-violent means), local councils will be persuaded to give up hiring thugs to do their dirty work and the Government will be forced to make it easier for travellers to set up caravan parks (98% of planning applications are turned down)
For more info call Grattan Puxon on 01206523528
If you would like to be added to an “alert” phone tree please email