Fair Reproductive Competition law 2023
Department of Aryan Justice | 07.01.2004 04:15
fathering a child without a permit - a violation of the Fair
Reproductive Competition laws. If convicted, he would be subject
to wage garnishment and mandatory reversible sterilization. The
man’s name was not released pending notification of family
Fair Reproductive Competition laws were passed in 2023 as a last
ditch effort to keep America from splitting into race-based nations.
They followed on the heels of laws passed which allowed the military
to be used to close the borders. Since the Fair Reproductive Competition
laws were passed, 40% of Blacks and 28% of Latinos have been
convicted and sentenced for violations. Those convicted of violations
of the FRC laws are eligible for desterilization upon their purchase of
two child permits from individuals willing to sell theirs. Thus far, no
one convicted of violating the FRC laws has qualified for desterilization.
Department of Aryan Justice