Cults, jets and greed - the frantic rush to 'One World'
NG | 07.01.2004 03:15
By BNP Chairman Nick Griffin
NO-ONE who looks a little further than the 'bread-and-circuses' headlines of the tabloid press can have any doubt that the most important factor in international politics today is the existence of a network of very powerful and wealthy interest groups, which are co-operating in a relentless drive to 'globalise' the once separate and independent peoples, national governments and economies of the world.
To state this is not to allege that there is some enormous, monolithic 'conspiracy', still less that is the work of a secret council of the Learned Elders of Zion, the Vatican, Satan or the British monarchy (the latter theory being particularly popular in some American conservative circles). Indeed, part of the danger of the all-pervasive trend of globalisation is that it is at least as much the result of impersonal economic and technological changes as it is the work of a number of often rival human agencies. The problem is not a monolithic 'conspiracy' with a single head to be lopped off, but a multi-headed hydra of different tendencies and interest groups. Yet, for all their diversity, it is possible to identify the main driving forces behind the various facets of the New World Order project.
The ultimate global capitalist, Rupert Murdoch donates money to any political cause from the Communist Chinese regime to the US Republicans. Only those movements that oppose globalism are in his line of fire.
Whether one is talking about the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the media empires of the likes of Maxwell and Murdoch, the World Bank, General Motors or whoever, there are three mindsets behind the mania of so many of the world's financial and political elites for 'globalisation'. Some of those involved are influenced by a combination of these, others by just one, but scratch a globalist and you'll find at least one of the following motivations:
(1) Ideology
There are three interlinked strands within this factor:
(i) The Zionist movement which sprung from the secularisation of the old Jewish instinct to preserve a separate ethnic identity by stressing the superiority of the 'Chosen' over the goyim.
(ii) Marxism, having sprung from the same soil, tended to develop a life of its own, including -- in some cases -- sincere anti-Zionism. According to Marx, "the proletarian has no country," and the quicker the nations of the world are subjected to the rigours of global free trade the quicker the working class will find the capitalist yoke unbearable. Despite the collapse of Soviet Communism, the ideological influence of the 1960s 'New Left' remains extremely strong, particularly in the media and teaching professions.
(iii) Liberalism, which may be seen as secularised Christianity -- simply remove the divine element from the belief "we are all equal in the sight of God" to discover the origin of the absurd superstition of egalitarianism, whereby all human differences are the result of environmental factors and will therefore vanish once the whole world enjoys the living standards of a Hampstead social worker, a utopia achievable if we will only learn to 'love' everybody, cease to discriminate and allow free trade to produce the most rational use of the world's resources.
Although the adherents of these belief systems are motivated by somewhat different ideal ends, the means whereby they seek to achieve them invariably lead them down the same political road. Thus they are all ferocious opponents of any form of identity which might lead to ordinary people developing a group consciousness which could end in them opposing Zionist domination, being dragooned into a Communist paradise by either force of arms or media brainwashing, or the destruction of their national economy. This is why the followers of these creeds, however much they argue among themselves, immediately close ranks to oppose any manifestation of racial awareness by white people and any genuine religiosity, particularly Islamic fundamentalism.
It is also why they are all beavering away to build support for the internationalisation of trade, economics and politics, for the total destruction of all independent sovereign states is a prerequisite for the establishment of their various dreams of a single world government.
Unfortunately, owing to the restrictions imposed by the Race Laws, it is not possible to elaborate further on the ancient hatred and arrogance which gave birth to these subversive dogmas, so let us move straight on to the second, closely related, factor:
(2) Millennialism
It is important to understand that, for all the logical arguments about 'economies of scale which liberal economists, bankers and politicians use to encourage the developed West to commit economic suicide, an important motivating force behind globalisation is not logic but messianic hysteria.
This is at its most obviously insane among the Zionist zealots who are the main movers behind the strongly anti-white bias of the whole project. These people really do believe that their Messiah will arrive shortly; they really are planning to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalern; they really have made the sacred knives and blood-bowls needed to kill the red heifer whose ashes are required to sanctify the new building; they really have had a special research centre in Israel dedicated to breeding a perfectly red-coated calf for the holy sacrifice!
So sure are they that all this is going to happen that the Israeli airline, El Al, produced a tourist advert for Jerusalem showing the city's skyline without the famous Muslim shrine the Dome of the Rock, which is in the way of the temple project and will therefore have to be destroyed. And once the Temple has been built and the Messiah has returned, they are equally confident that He, with a bit of help from his faithful, favoured, people, will rule over all the nations of the world from Jerusalem. Which is why, just to speed things up a bit, there have been serious suggestions that the United Nations headquarters should be moved there. Many strictly orthodox Jews, incidentally, regard such plans, and even the very existence of the state of Israel, as heretical, but one of the many side-effects of decades of 'Holocaust' propaganda has been to give the Zionists the whip-hand over such dissenters.
Meanwhile, many of the Gentiles involved in the various 'One World' projects are heavily influenced by 'New Age' teachings, which hold that the astrological transition to the Age of Aquarius herald the end of 'hatred' and of supposedly aggressive, masculine traits such as nationalism and racial awareness, and the coming of a feminine era of peace, co-operation and 'love'. Much of this unnatural and antihuman gibberish has its roots in the teachings of the Jewish Kabbalists.
The Jewish guru of the Clintons and "new age" teacher, Michael Lerner, is not just a convicted criminal but one of the most influential characters of recent years in the Whitehouse.
One of its most influential gurus today is Michael Lerner, once jailed for his involvement in a violent attack by the ultra-left Seattle Liberation Front on a federal court-house, but in recent years the court philosopher of the Clintons. Lerner edits Tikkun a magazine started in 1986 with $1 million from a drugstore heiress, Nan Fink, who was briefly married to Lerner in spite of his opposition to monogamy.The 'ex' Marxist's influence over the Clintons was first publicised in the Sunday Telegraph of 20th June, 1993, when Ambrose Evans-Pritchard wrote that:-
'The full story is beginning to come out. The President and First Lady of the United States are followers of an eccentric cult, a Jewish heresy no less. that mixes the Old Testament with a dash of medieval cabbala mysticism and a good deal of 1960s campus Marxism. We knew that something was amiss when Hillary Clinton departed from her health care script in April and began calling for a 'new politics of meaning'. a spiritual revival to cure the `sleeping sickness of the soul that ails America. But now we learn that both she and her husband have been drawing their philosophical inspiration for the past five years from Tikkun, an obscure Left-wing Jewish magazine."
The word Tikkun means 'to mend, repair, and transform the world', and is inspired by the late medieval Zohar, which posits the primordial perfection of humanity. Man, says Lerner, is naturally caring and sensitive, but has been turned into a brute by capitalism. The Tikkun confessional prayer, Al Cheyt, which is recited by some 40,000 followers in their monthly cell meetings, begs forgiveness "for the sins of accepting the current distribution of wealth and power," "for the sins of participating in a racist society," "for the sins of turning our backs on the oppression of gays and lesbians" and "for the sins of squandering hundreds of billions on unnecessary defence expenditures."
Vice-President Al Gore is, if anything, even more deeply influenced by the New Agers, hence his addiction to anti-human 'deep-green' ecological theory. This is an urbanised perversion of the teachings of the ancient nature-based 'Mystery' religions, which has forgotten that the fundamental law of nature is struggle, and -- ignoring the fact that hawks eat songbirds, and that robins will fight to the death over mates and territory -- argues that Creation is based on a sickly, pacifistic 'love', rather than on competition. This decadent, childish world-view sees Man particularly the white man, with his technology, industry and Faustian urge to explore, discover and conquer the unknown -- as a dangerous virus afflicting the Earth Goddess, Gaia, They want, quite literally, to see our kind vanish from the face of the earth.
It would be bad enough to have these ethno-masochistic death-cult freaks in charge of international politics in normal times, but the fact that they believe that the world is on the brink of a 'paradigm shift' to a new era of eternal peace makes them doubly dangerous. After all, if you become convinced that you have a role to play in bringing global brotherhood, eternal peace, the End of History and the Second Coming, you then have a duty to blast the hell out of anyone who stands in the way, don't you? The Iraqis and Serbs have already tasted the joys of this messianic fantasy. They won't be the last.
(3) Greed
In the case of many enthusiasts for globalisation, any ideological or pseudo-religious reasons they may have developed to justify their position are, in all probability, nothing more than cloaks for their real motivation. Plain old fashioned personal greed -- for money or for power-- is what it's really all about. Sometimes this is expressed with extreme crudity, as in the case of Robert Maxwell taking delight in being able to keep the Queen waiting, or going to the roof of his East London headquarters in order to urinate on the peasants walking below. More often, it manifests itself in the British multi-national executive who won't hesitate to close down a factory in Luton if he can boost the value of his share options by switching production to Lahore, or in the decision of the owner of a meat-packing firm in the rural Mid-West of America to bring in five hundred Mexicans as cheap labour, even though it means the destruction of the community his grandfather helped to build from nothing.
This factor can be seen most clearly in the attitudes of the bosses of the banks and chemical and agri-business combines, who don't hesitate to use bribery or economic pressure to encourage the corrupt rulers of unfortunate Third World states to take out huge loans their people can never repay, or to switch to the use of capital-intensive, high-tech agriculture, growing crops for export instead of to employ and feed their own people. While certain people might derive pleasure from grinding the once proud white man into the dust, there can be no such thrill in reducing a half-starved, subsistence-farming South American peasant into a starving wage-slave, so the only possible motivation must be a few more cents profit. Never was the old imperialism of those who talked of 'the White Man's burden' as ruthless and callous as that of the International Monetary Fund and Stock Market fund-managers.
Technology causes rootlessness
In addition to these human factors, the other force which has driven the globalisation process forward is technological development. The jet engine, television, satellite communications and the Internet have created the impression of a shrinking world. It is hardly surprising that many modern businessmen -- particularly the generation educated in the 1960s, which is now at its most powerful -- have lost all consciousness of their roots, of what they owe to their national and ethnic backgrounds, and genuinely believe that they have more in common with a fellow company director from Korea than with the workers on their own shopfloor.
Ironically, many of the same technologies are also responsible for the growing worldwide opposition to globalisation and financial imperialism. The rising tide of ethnic and religious identity is the unavoidable result of bringing different peoples and cultures into far closer proximity than is natural. The technology which built the jet-fighter and tanks, which imposed the post-war partition of the world on a myriad of resentful nations, also created throw-away, shoulder-to-air missiles with which illiterate tribesmen can blast them and their crews to pieces.
The electronic wizardry which led first to the creation of centralised television networks which put unprecedented brainwashing power in the hands of a few hundred men, has now gone on to make video cameras, personal computers and the Internet -- a combination which, if they do not find a way to bring it under control with in a couple of years, will do for the previous information monopoly what the development of the longbow did for the mounted knights who had ruled the battlefields of Europe for hundreds of years.
Time running out
This leads us on to the last factor affecting the plans of the New World Order addicts: the growing feeling that they are running out of time. As already noted, this is partly due to the millennial undercurrent of so many of their plans. Whacky though it may sound (whacky as it undoubtedly is) there is little doubt that some of them are actually working to a kabbalistic timetable. Others, with the egocentric view of the world which is natural for mortal men, believe and hope that their pet projects can be completed in their own lifetimes. They too feel they have no time to lose.
Most of all, it is clear from the deceit and deception with which their plans, from the creation of a United States of Europe and embryonic One World government institutions, to genocide through racial integration and the destruction of the manufacturing industries of the West, are always put into practice, that the internationalists know that what they are doing is unnatural, unpopular and liable to provoke a massive backlash.
They are like the farmboy in the East European folk tale, who grasped a wolf by the ears, realising only too late that he couldn't let go again. They have done enough to make their victims extremely angry, but not enough yet to subdue them. There is no turning back, for if the wolf is released he will tear his tormentor to pieces. Worse, as the pain increases, he will struggle harder and harder to break free. So they are now forced to make the wolf even more uncomfortable by trying to bind him in chains, while there is still time.
Global capitals' irrational behaviour
So while it would make political sense to stop the project to inundate the homelands of the West with coloured immigrants, the process is being speeded up. While it would make economic sense to halt the implementation of a latter-day Morgenthau Plan to deindustrialise the white nations, the pace of the transfer is increasing. While it would make psychological sense to leave law-abiding citizens with their target pistols, they want to take away the last peashooter.
Perhaps most worrying of all for the internationalists is the fear that their schemes won't have passed the point of no return (if you think this is paranoia, ponder for a moment on the full meaning of the EC commitment to "ever-closer and irreversible union") before the world's economy hits the buffers in the now overdue cyclical collapse which is unavoidable with a debt-based financial system.
Of particular concern is the irrational behaviour of the Stock Markets, which are showing all the symptoms of pre-crash euphoria. History teachers have always poked fun at the silly Dutch, who 'invested' fortunes in tulip bulbs, at the English Stock Market hopefuls who expected to be made rich by companies set up "for purposes yet to be decided" just before the South Sea Bubble burst, and relate how the wise financier sold all his shares when he heard lift attendants exchanging share tips just before the Wall Street crash. But how are such past idiocies any more daft that the present craze for opening new Stock Exchanges in the flyblown statelets which have sprung up in former Soviet Asia, or the rush by middle-aged Americans to invest their pension money in mutual funds whose dividend yields scarcely cover administration costs, but whose 'value' has been pushed skywards by.... middle-aged Americans looking for places to invest their pension money?
Such over-valuation has created a situation where a new share collapse could tip the Western world into the kind of liquidity crisis and economic slump which has afflicted Japan ever since the 1989 Tokyo crash. But while the stoic, homogeneous and fatalistic Japanese have grinned and borne it, the lessons of history -- and hints from the polling booths, from Norway to Marseilles, Australia to Halifax--are that the peoples of the white world could well respond to ten years of real economic hardship by looking elsewhere for political leadership.
A long to fall
These are the concerns behind George Soros's belated calls for limits to the rapacity of free market capitalism, and the Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan's attempts to 'talk down' Wall Street for a soft landing. They also featured in a remarkable recent front page of the Financial Times, which ran an article about the continuing implosion of the Japanese economy next to a piece full of concern that the 'extreme-right' DVU (Deutsche Volks-Union) had taken 4.9 per cent of the vote in elections in Hamburg, coming within a whisper of getting representation in local government under proportional representation. No, it's not a misprint! Not 'forty nine per cent? but 'four-point-nine per cent' -- that's how worried these people are about the potential for radical nationalism.
Bottling it! The likes of global billionaire George Soros have good reason to be afraid of the rise of genuine anti-globalism through the growth of nationalist movements in many European, American and Asian nations.
Another well-connected Establishment mouthpiece, Sir William Rees-Mogg, spelled things out even more bluntly in The Times on October 13th:- ''Wall Street has risen in the 1990s in a way which is alarmingly reminiscent of the 1920s, the 1980s, and Japan before the Tokyo crash. The standard measures of value, dividend yield, earnings yield, and the ratio of the share price to the hook value of the underlying assets, are all higher than they were in 1987 or even in 1929. The simplest comparison of all... is the dividend yield. That is now 1.6 per cent. In late September 1929, before the panic, the dividend yield on Wall Street was more than 3 per cent. In the major bear markets of the 20th century, the bottom has never been reached before the dividend yield had gone back to more than 6 per cent. If this market crashes, it has potentially a long, long way to fall.... No one can know when the top of the boom will come.. we could have a Black Monday today, or in a week's time, or in a year or two. The certainty is that stock market values are already way above their historic norms: they are way above their long-term trend lines, in the United States, in Europe. and in those other world stock markets which have not yet fallen. The likelihood is that stock markets will not have a soft landing; if the mutual fund investors of the United States stop buying, Wall Street will have to fall a long way to get them started again.
"The risk of a stock market crash is a threat to world prosperity. Japan has had seven lean years after the fall of its stock market. The United States had ten lean years after 1929. There is much more than the fortunes of speculators riding on the Wall Street indices."
Such then, are the worries about uncontrollable forces and the deeply irrational hidden agendas which motivate the frightened and neurotic men who strut the world stage or juggle with telephone number fortunes in secret boardroom meetings, trying to channel hugely powerful impersonal forces in the service of their numbered bank accounts or their eccentric ideologies.
Even when they bother to hide their true designs behind pretty phrases about "the brotherhood of man" and "bringing an end to instability and war," their aims are destructive of all we hold dear. If "pure Evil" ever took form on this earth, it would do so in the plans of the One Worlders.
Globalists' bitter fruits
Their fruits are the fifteen-year-old heroin addicts on vandalised estates in Northern England, Scotland and South Wales, where a cast-off generation swap needles among the rubble of the pitheads and stripmills where their fathers hewed coal and forged steel. But they are also to be seen in the pitiful, starved corpses of children in orphanages in Baghdad.
Their fruits are the heart-breaking loneliness of pensioners and single mothers in tower blocks in inner London, where they dare not step out of their steel-reinforced front doors after dark, for fear of the human predators who stalk streets which our grandparents would no longer recognise. But they are also to be seen in the fate of millions of peasant farmers in India and China, lured from their little family plots to a shortened life choking in the smog of new industrial areas which make early Victorian Birmingham look like a yuppie health farm.
The hopeless self harm of drug abuse casts its sick shadow over once prosperous British towns and cities.
Their fruits are the ever-rising suicide and drug overdose rate among young white males who are fed nothing but self-hate and guilt by their TVs and the National Curriculum. But they are also to be seen in the crippled arms of Palestinian schoolboys, broken with iron bars for throwing stones at the immigrant soldiers occupying their ancestral land. Naturally, our primary concern is to secure a decent life and future for our own people, but it is worth reminding the tender-hearted British that, in opposing the drive to the One World Nirvana of the bankers, the Zionists, and power junkies like Blair and Clinton, we are standing up for the best interests of all the peoples of the world.
It is even more worthwhile to remind ourselves that 'globalisation' is not primarily the logical and inevitable result of blind economic forces, or of a monolithic, all-powerful conspiracy, but the unnatural and unstable creation of various disparate groups of wealthy, greedy, short-sighted cranks, who have ridden a wave of change which - for a while - was heading in the way they wanted to go. And that, like all unnatural and unstable things, it will not survive the first storm of winter.