The Hidden smell at Sheer Hell
Andrew Paisey | 05.01.2004 20:22 | Culture | Indymedia | Repression | Cambridge
The smell is made up as follows;
devious and dishonest accounting/budgetting. The main source of this rotten eggs odour i.e. Jack Barton left a long time ago but others have been contaminated and risen to the top.
the insipid smell of self interest which in this case translates itself into amnesia. Whether Brian Smith the Director of Transportation and Environment is claiming amnesia or not I do not know as he is stonewalling me. Those people who handed him the poison chalice of a seccret computer budget i.e. Paul Kemp and Roger Swain havve moved across to the NHS and are still both working in Cambridge. Paul originally denied his key involvement but then adopted Roger's amnesia tactic twenty four hours later.
the taint of indifference to injustice adopted by the political leadersip and then latterly by the whole of the elected Council. You would have thought that one or two members might react against the psychological abuse of an honest employee undertaken in their name.
and then there is the protective lid kept on these smells by the helping hand of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy whom all the above named are members of. They had the minutes of the secret budget in their possession but have very convienently mislaid them.
so with the original culprit long gone. his lieutenants feigning amnesia, CIPFA mislaying the evidence and the political indifference to injustice this honest person who walked away from the internal defence of a past dishonest culture has no access to justice.
But sometimes smells have a way of sneaking out and embarrassing you :-).
Andrew Paisey