US Forming Death Squads in Iraq
Chris Herz | 22.12.2003 20:46
This would fit the pattern for other territories, chiefly in Latin America where the USA flexes its muscle to enforce the plunder of other peoples and countries. Of course, these masked forces quickly graduate to murdering any and all seen as uncooperative with US policy and corporate interests.
Those needing public trial for terrorism are the masters of my own US government. Their behavior for half a century has been murderous, larcenous and now treasonous.
Now British journalist Robert Fisk, Mid East correspondant for the Independant, has reported the presence of armed and masked Iraqi "civilians" at US roadblocks in the new colony. This development is just about right on target.
First, elements of the former secret service are identified and coerced, or bribed into collaboration with the invaders. Then these elements, sometimes identical with and certainly always intimate with other criminal elements, recruit therefrom additional forces. Finally, as the depredations of both the occuppiers and their new satellite forces continue to outrage the population, the death squads are turned lose. Men are castrated and tortured, women raped and tortured and kids shot or stolen. Some being sold, as in the Balkans into prostitution.
Particularly useful to American interests is the drug underworld. Everywhere the corporate state has influence, even within its own national territory, the drug plague is allowed to rage. Narcotics, being the world's second (after oil) industry, is also dollarized. It serves as a sink for the excess dollars being printed and pumped out every day. Also, drug vendors maintain their own thuggish satrapies, easily adaptable to the purposes of the new American business mafias.
As an American citizen the constant repetition of these crimes in nation after nation fills me with rage and shame. These neo-Fascists now ruling my country are guilty of every form of murder, larceny and terrorism. Repeatedly.
I beg all to resist them to the fullest of your ability. Particularly valuable is the ongoing and HIGHLY EFFECTIVE boycott of American currency and the major US corporations.
This has added immensely to the US balance of payments deficit, and must soon lead to a collapse of the dollar. Only if crime does not pay will the criminals who have seized our country abandon their adventures and replace the straw men they have selected to accomplish these ends.
We in the US Resistance thank you all.
Chris Herz