Arab TV: Jews ate Christian's blood
Jeff | 21.11.2003 23:32 | May Day 2003 | Analysis | London
Arab TV: Jews ate Christian's blood
Syrian-produced prime-time show airs anti-Semitic libel
November 20, 2003
In a reassertion of the age-old anti-Semitic blood libel, a Syrian-produced television program depicted Jews murdering a Christian boy to drain his blood for use in the special bread eaten at the Jewish Passover feast.
Editor's note: View video here.
The program, which aired Tuesday on Hezbollah TV, was an episode in a series called "The Diaspora," which purports to tell the story of the Zionist movement, said Israel-based Palestinian Media Watch.
The series is based on a century-old hoax known as "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," purported to be the minutes of an 1897 meeting of Jewish leaders plotting to take over the world.
Among the assertions is that Zionist Jews rule the world with sophisticated plots, including causing the communist revolution in Russia and directing World War I. The Jews are described as greedy and bloodthirsty, interested only in power and world domination from the land of Israel, referred to in the program as "Palestine."
The charge that Jews use human blood in baking arose in 1840, when the Damascus Jewish community was accused of murdering a priest and his assistant to obtain their blood for making Passover matzo, or unleavened bread.
In September 2002, a columnist from the state-controlled Saudi newspaper Al-Jazirah claimed Jews use human blood in baked goods when preparing for holiday celebrations.
Earlier that year, a Saudi government-approved newspaper published a column asserting Jews use the blood of teenagers to make a special pastry associated with the March holiday of Purim.