Tom Paine. | 12.11.2003 17:31
Phoney has to put up with this.
The clown will not meet Mandy because he likes a bit of rear.
Bush better be careful in the palace that Prince Charles does not come astern.
How did we get clowns like this to lead us?
Criminal invasion of Iraq, Iraq sold illegally and no end in sight.
Phoney and Bush will be gone at the next elections.
We will then withdraw.
In the meantime we will have a lot of our kids and the people of Iraq killed.
The war in Iraq gave us an enclave in Bagdad and Basra.
That's as far as we are going to get.
No free oil.
The people responsible for this criminal war must be brought to trial.
Phoney says "lets forget about our crimes and move on".
I am sure that every prisoner in the overcrowded prisons in England would agree with him.
We have stopped the invasion of Iran.
Now we must dump Phoney.
Brown is a decent man. We need him to lead.
He will not kill anyone.
As Jackie Ashley says today, Brown needs to rise up.
The only thing standing in his way is himself.
Honest men are like that.

Tom Paine.