Stop work! Stop College! Stop School! Stop the City! To Stop Bush!
Leila Mantoura | 12.11.2003 16:01 | Bush 2003
In the build up to the war in Iraq, two thousand people marched through the streets of Cardiff chanting, "No War!". On the first day of war we blockaded the main streets in Cardiff and brought the city to a standstill. Later we held an All-Wales march against the Occupation of Iraq. We sent up coaches on the 27th September. Now we are planning to be as militant as possible when the killer comes to town.
Local Demonstration
Lunchtime demo: Assemble 12-2 at Nye Bevan statue, Queen Street. Students will be assembling at the Student Union, Park Place at 12.30 to join the main demo.
Evening demo: Assemble 5 pm at Nye Bevan Statue for "THE TRIAL OF GEORGE 'DUBYA' BUSH"
London Demonstration - "THE BIG ONE"
Assemble 2 pm Malet Street, Central London
Coaches leave museum steps at 10.00 am, tickets £8unwaged/£15 waged. Email:

Leila Mantoura
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