TAC in Practice
The Arts Collective | 11.11.2003 07:52 | Culture
TAC Editorial No.2. November 2003
Beyond the text, pictures and promotion, how does The Arts Collective work in practice? It goes something like this:
The Arts Collective welcomes anybody who is interested in being creative. Anybody in search of space for expression. The Arts Collective wants you to get involved - it doesn’t organise events for you: It organises them with you.
TAC: A push for people to be artistic. TAC tries to give life to your ideas. TAC helps bring about space where art can flourish and attempts to give space where it is lacking. Letting flowers bloom....
TAC attempts to empower people to reclaim art as their genuine form of expression and not as an elitist pursuit of a few ‘chosen’ ones.
This is what we mean by the radical democritisation of Art.
So if you have any ideas or any form of expression that you’d like to share with TAC, don’t hesitate, just do it! The feedback we’ve received so far is great, meaning that the TAC website is getting updated very regularly! TAC also aims to extend its activism through the organization of public events. Volunteers are needed!
Some have asked us, “should all artistic contributions to TAC be political?” The answer to this is a paradox. In the first instance TAC is asking for your artistic expression, which we’d then promote.
Feeling, not cold calculation. Yearning, hope, illusion, disillusion, dreams. Art, expression, activism.
At the same time, in our reading, Art is not something alien or detached from structures and situations. The same applies to the artist, the creator, who is very much a creation of society or a system. No-one is detached. Art alludes to reality. The effect may be more important than the intention.
Allusion, Analysis, Effect.
Hence, the TAC website may represent a diversity of expressions just as much as it represents its own aim for radical democracy and the side it takes, in favour of the oppressed, the progressive and the voiceless.
This is what we mean by the radical democratization of Art.
The Arts Collective