Silencing is my policy - lieing is my protocol
Åke Tyvi | 24.10.2003 21:15 | Analysis | Liverpool | World
Finland - We must ask from ourselves 'who declared these rights in the first place' when Human Rights violations are not handled and related cases are under censorship or forgotten. When lawyers are those committing crimes against their own law a Law State has become a only rude joke.
Like in any profession we usually find two kind of experts - those who think they know, and those who really know and do. Among Finnish layers we have only one kind of people; those who only think they know, because they think having read few law books brings them to the top of the world. I just wish they were not many Jewish people among these ignorant peasants, since Jewish people so often are seen as lawyers, doctors and as genius generally speaking.
Every scientist do know, that being able to read and memorize, do not automatically mean you would be genius in physics and math. And usually lawyers are not, but they seem to have too much ego for some reason.
When people start silencing citizens through false judgments, it is time to say 'goodbye Finnish decision makers and Law State disguise to communism', and specially say goodbye to our lawyers and policemen.
These people have made their fortune by dishonest ways, and if they get killed by doing so, there is no place to file a complaint.
Åke Tyvi