Anarchist Bookfair 2003
a | 20.10.2003 15:47 | London
day length Bookfair, where you can get the latest books, pamphlets, magazines and all the other stuff, there are continual meetings and discussions on all aspects of anarchist activity. These are open to all. Through the day there is a professionally run creche, a bar and hot food.
Lower Hall (First Floor)
35 Tables Stalls
A Distribution, AF, AK, ASS, Aufheben, Chronos, Class War, Corporate Watch, Cunningham Amendment, Freedom, Women's Strike, HSG, Haven, Hobgoblin, Hole books, Housmans, KS Library, London Rising Tide, Northern Herald Books, Norwich Anarchs, Total Liberty, Untamed Distro, Veggies. (No further stalls in this hall)
2A (Second Floor)
30 people Creche
The Play and Freedom @ Creche was created following MayDay 2000 when a group of us felt that we could set up and run our own creche for the Anarchist Bookfair rather than relying on an organisation that charged us a lot, but paid their workers a low salary. We welcome children from 2 to 8 years. Children under 2 years are welcome as long as their carer attends with them as our insurance does not cover children under 2 years of age.
30 people
Meeting Room
11.00 Autonomy and Health
Our health is an interaction between ourselves and the world around us. How can we increase our control over our health and living environments? What examples are there of autonomous health collectives and what can we learn from them?
12.00 Open source revolutionaries (Provisional)
The experience of J18 produced a debate on whether to "Give up activism". The argument ran that our protest activism wasn't up to the job of overcoming Capitalism as a set of social relations. The debate was never resolved and most of our activity still appears to be "militant lobbying". But if we give up the activist mentality what do we replace it with?
This workshop looks at the free / open source software movements to see if their attitudes and techniques of distributed cooperation can be transported to political movements and whether they might provide clues to a new model of militancy.
1.00 The Future of LDMG?
The Legal Defence & Monitoring Group was reformed for J18 and has continued to provide Legal Observers since. We are now considering the future of LDMG. Do Legal Observers help or hinder direct action? Doesn't it lead to an unhealthy specialism? Shouldn't we all be legal observers on actions? Please come and join the discussion.
2.00 An introduction to Radical Routes
Practical information on how to set up a co-operative - housing co-op/workers' co-op / social centre.
We want to see a world based upon equality and co-operation, where people give according to their ability and receive according to their needs. Where work is fulfilling and useful and where creativity is encouraged, where decision making is open to everyone with no hierarchies and where the environment is valued and respected in its own right rather than exploited. We want to take control over all aspects of our lives.
3.00 Advertising Hoardings piss me off!
Haringey Solidarity Group
Bloody adverts are taking over every part of our streets. I thought 20 foot billboards were bad enough. Now they are even larger, brighter and "in your face". Add to this the adverts stuck in the middle of the pavement, on telephone boxes, the backs of bus tickets and even beamed onto the side of buildings.
But people are fighting back. Subvertising is a glorious way of getting a different message across and gives you a good buzz as well. But is it enough? Will it actually get rid of this visual pollution?
Both for pixies of the night and for those wanting to start.
4.00 Palestine and the role of the International Solidarity Movement.
Caroline Gelenter
I am going to Palestine from the August 6th to 22nd October working with the international solidarity movement and the international women's peace service. As I will have just returned from the occupied territories I will focus on what I have witnessed and what role internationals are able to play in supporting the Palestinians in their struggle.
5.00 Mass Anarchist Graves in Spain
More than 25 years after the so-called `transition to democracy', thousands of victims of Franco's repression remain in mass graves all over Spain. In the last few years, volunteers from various countries have assisted relatives and local people to dig up these graves, once again bringing the crimes from the Franco regime to light. A look at the history and the reactions at present, while asking questions about the future.
30 people Meeting Room
12.00 Organising locally in working-class communities
Members of Hackney Independent Working Class Association (IWCA) will be leading a discussion on organising locally in working-class communities. They
will start off by briefly outlining some of the activities they have been, and are involved in, before opening up, what will hopefully be an honest and thought provoking debate.
1.00 Corporate Structures, Corporate Crime and Corporate Propaganda
The legal structure of UK corporations encourages selfish and irresponsible behaviour. Public Relations tries to hide this. Discussion of these issues and more with Corporate Watch.
2.00 Everything you wanted to know about The Law, but were afraid to ask...
A couple of lawyers explain their dirty job defending the guilty and prosecuting the police. A guide to the criminal law and the civil actions that can be taken following acquittal.
3.00 The Zapatista communities in resistance
The struggle by the indigenous people in Chiapas, Mexico to create autonomous self-managed communities reached a new stage in August 2003 with the public inauguration of five Zapatista "assemblies of just government". What can we learn from this struggle? How can we link with this struggle? Introduced by Edinburgh-Chiapas Solidarity Group and, also the Zapatista solidarity group in London.
4.00 Workers versus Bosses
Organising at work. North/East London Solidarity Federation on anarcho-syndicalism in the modern workplace.
5.00 Emmas, London Social Center (Provisional)
Where now? What to do? and how? A chance to find out if London can create a Cowley Club or 1 in 12 Club of its own?
30 people Meeting Room
12.00 Permaculture - Revolution disguised as Organic Gardening?
A participatory workshop led by Ron Bates and Graham Burnett (Land & Liberty Books)
Permaculture offers a radical approach to food production and urban renewal, water, energy and pollution. It integrates ecology, landscape, organic gardening, architecture and agro-forestry in order to create rich and sustainable ways of living. So how can individuals and communities use permaculture design to reconnect with the land?
1.00 Police Information Guide
A talk and discussion on police organisation, tactics and strategy on demo's and protests as part of a project to produce a police information guide of useful info and handy tips to foil their dastardly machinations.
2-5.00 What is Anarchism?
The Anarchist Federation is convening a series of three meetings at the Bookfair explaining what we think anarchism (and what it isn't). It's intended as a handy introduction for those becoming interested in anarchist ideas for the first time. As a bonus a French anarchist will hopefully be speaking about the recent wave of unrest there. There will be time for questions and discussion.
5.00 Workers Councils
Workers Council Socialists want :
- workplaces, local enterprises and services run by free collective associations , not capitalist or state ownership,
- a society run by organizations of federations and juries, not authoritarian state agencies,
- the world run on principles of fair distribution and use of wealth and resources, plus preventative health services, not poverty , starvation,
coercion and war,
- a revolutionary new order.
30 people Meeting Room
12.00 Queer Mutiny
Come along and meet the London-based anarcho-queer group. Find out what we've been doing since last year and what we're planning for next (including another issue of the spoof 'Pink Pauper').
1.00 Capitalism, Animals and Anarchism
How do we break open the cages? A debate on how we can build a libertarian society by fundamentally transforming the realtions between humans and animals.
2.00 Getting our Message Across
With direct action weekly newsheet 'Schnews' and Worthing 'Porkbolter'. Of course Anarchists can't rely on corporate media whores to promote our ideas. So how exactly do we go about establishing direct and fruitful communication with a public that may not exactly be gagging to hear from us?
3.00 Prisoner Solidarity, Prison Survival
Mark Barnsley
As Blunkett's Police State continues to get stronger and stronger, as a political activist it is more likely that you will spend time behind bars than during any other period in recent history. As a movement we need to be able to deliver real solidarity to our political prisoners, and Anarchists also need to survive and maintain their integrity while locked up. Mark Barnsley has spent nearly half his adult life behind bars as an Anarchist prisoner, serving 10 years in more than 20 high security prisons, with around 2 years of that time spent in solitary confinement. He has also been involved in prisoner support work for 25 years.
4.00 Is it better to burn out than to fade away, and why do people do either?
Discussion for disillusioned and/or exhausted anarchists. How/when did we lose the spark? How do we deal with it in a way that doesn't cost us our sanity, but doesn't just mean giving up?
5.00 Setting up a co-ordinated network of anarchist students (Provisional)
Anarchist Youth Network
As well as lots of young people, universities have lots of money for political student societies. With the upsurge of political activity in universities, an organised anarchist students' network could do a lot for Anarchism in Britain. If you're going to Uni, come and help start one up!
3A (Third Floor)
60 people Performance Space
2-7.00 The Performance Club
Tony Allen, Mr Social Control, Yap (the ranters' ranter) and friends. Rolling cabaret, on the hour, every hour.
60 people Meeting Room
12.00 Anarchy in Academia
This is an informal session for students and academics (or prospective ones) to meet and chat. How can we use anarchist theory? How do we resist university beauracracy? Can one be 'academic' & 'anarchist' simultaneously? How can academic writing/teaching serve anarchist purposes? What can we learn from each other?
1.00 Thessaloniki 8 Prisoner Solidarity Campaign
Eight activists, including London anarchist Simon Chapman, were beaten and fitted up, during the EU summit in Thessaloniki. They are now facing up to 25
years in Greek prisons. See the evidence of this fit up and discuss solidarity work. Alternatively, we hope Simon is freed, so he can speak!
2.00 MayDay 2004
A meeting to reflect and learn from all things mayday 2003, and to consider the possibilities for mayday 2004 leading towards a mini conference in November. Everything is open for 2004 at this stage so cunning plans are top priority.
3-5.00 New Video- Mumia Lawyer Speaks
Video showing Eliot Grossman, one of Mumia's lawyers, discussing the legal and political dimensions of the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal at a public meeting. The video also includes the confession of Arnold Beverly who says he killed the policeman whose death Mumia was framed for. Followed by an update on the legal situation and discussion.
5-6.30 Demo Safety and Basic First Aid.
An introduction to the concept of street medics and their role on Demos. A roundup of some basic police tactics in public order situations, some advice on how to stay safe and some basic first aid for the times it goes wrong.
60 people Meeting Room
12-2.00 Fighting Forced Labour - The Campaign Against Prison Slavery
Slavery has NOT been abolished in Britain, behind high walls and locked doors it still flourishes. Working class people are being forced to toil in poor conditions, beyond the reach of health and safety inspectors, denied even the most basic employment and trade-union rights, and severely punished if they refuse to work. In British prisons, there have been savage cuts in education budgets over the past half-decade, any pretence at rehabilitating prisoners and empowering them with trade skills has been abandoned. They are now seen as a readily exploitable labour force, a Third World colony in Britain's own backyard, cheap, non-unionised, available, and literally compelled to work. Indeed David "Workhouse' Blunkett is now looking to extend this forced labour to those unable to pay fines.
2.00 Anarchist Workers Network
Industrial organisation is a vital element of Anarchism. The LWG, which is being launched at the Bookfair, is a network which aims to link anarchists in workplaces and unions, as well as raising the black flag in the labour movement. Come and hear about it!
3.00 What is Anarchism?
This session is aimed at people who are new to anarchism, or those whose first contact with anarchism is the Anarchist Bookfair itself. It will be led by Toby, one of the editors of Freedom newspaper. As well as outlining the roles of direct action and class struggle in anarchist theory and practice, he will try and show how the groups represented at the Bookfair are related to each other. What, in other words, is the essence of being an anarchist?
4.00 Freedom Users' Meeting
This will be a chance to discuss the development of Freedom the newspaper, as well as the publisher and bookshop of the same name (which are attached to it). It will also be an opportunity to discuss the Autonomy Club, our new social centre.
5.00 Concerning Stirner
Many anarchists probably know something of German writer Max Stirner without actually reading his work. This meeting is for people who are interested in "Saint Max", whether they've read him, are wondering if they can face it, or have no intention of reading him but would like to know more about this controversial figure. There'll be a short presentation, followed by discussion. No previous knowledge required.
100 people Meeting Room
12.00 Wombles
Over the years since WOMBLES has been in existence we have become a meeting ground for revolutionaries, anarchists and anti-authoritarians and have never shyed away from confrontational actions. We are currently involved in Social Centre projects like the Autonomie Club @ Freedom, setting up squatted spaces, alternative media, helping to organise events like MAYDAY for the past 3 years, anti-war actions, prisoner solidarity, anti-fascist activity, Reclaim the Future raves, benefit gigs, film showings, alternative press publications and continue to hold public meetings every week in central london. Despite the press bullshit, special branch/pig harrassment, we are still here fighting, not for our 'right' to protest, but for our lives. Come and get involved, whether your from london or further afield we want to meet up and further expand the limits of our collective struggles.
2.00 Samba Protests: Tactical Frivolity or Pointless Spectacle?
Over the past few years, groups of activist samba drummers and dancers have been increasingly participating in protests ranging from big international mobilisations to small local campaigns and community events. Is this a positive development for the movement? What are the strengths and weaknesses, the potentials and risks involved in this phenomena? Come and share your views .
3.00 Learning the Lessons of the Anti-War Movement
There has never been more opposition to a war than there was to Bush's and Blair's invasion of Iraq - but could we have done things better in Britain? Did the marches achieve anything? What about direct action? Why did school students do more to oppose war than the unions? Has opposition to war evaporated? SchNEWS investigates...
4.00 G8 in UK 2005: Mobilising without leaders
In 2005 it's the turn of the UK state to host the annual G8 summit. It's up to us to make sure they have a rough ride!
5-6.30 'Now get out of that': Self-Defence for Young Revolutionaries
Workshop on basic self-defence techniques for street situations. No shoes and no attitude. Maximum of 50 people.
100 people Art and Exhibition Space
Upper Hall
35 Tables Stalls
1 in 12 Library Collective, Active, ALF Supporters Group, Anarchist Arguments, Anarchist Black Cross, Anarchist Youth Network (provisional), Black Cat, Black Flag, BWHIC, Catholic Worker, Counter Information, Counter Productions, Do or Die, Entartete Kunst, Godhaven Ink, Hunt Sabs, Institute for Anarchist Studies, Institute for Social Ecology, ISM, Lib Ed, London Animal Action, New Humanist, News from Nowhere, NE London Sol Fed, Northern Anarchist Voice, Notes from the Borderland, Radical Routes, Re-Pressed Distribution, Religious Anarchism, Schnews, Socialist Patients Collective, Solidarity Federation, Spare Change Books, Stair, Thessaloniki Support Group, Voices in the Wilderness, Walthamstow Anarchist Group, Wombles, Workers Councils.
Palms (Fourth Floor)
150 people
Videos all day