Tractors and trolleys against GM (photos)
Simon | 13.10.2003 19:50 | Bio-technology | Ecology | Globalisation
What part of no GM did you not understand?
Keep GM caged
Five Year Freeze and their petition with 70 thousand signatures
Sign the Green Gloves pledge
Don't let the PM give you GM
Whoops sorry
Posing for a photo shoot
Statue of Liberty sows GM seeds
At the end of the parade the marchers contributed various foodstuffs to a harvest tea for all, and assembled to hear various speakers. An advocate of the Green Gloves pledge urged us to pull up GM crops wherever they are planted, or to support those who do. Other speakers told of the problems which have happened in other countries where GM crops are already in production, and of the unscrupulous way that very powerful people in the biotech industry are manipulating the US government and the World Trade Organisation to try to force their products onto the rest of the world. Ex-minister Michael Meacher spoke of evidence from government trials and investigations which points very strongly against the viability and safety of GM crops, and received warm support for his recent troublemaking.
We need to hold the government to the results of the GM Nation debate - almost everyone who has taken any time to examine the subject has concluded that GM is a bad thing, or at least are not comfortable with it. Keep the pressure on - MP's, newspapers, supermarket customer service lines, etc - and we can keep the UK GM-free.
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