The Official Representitive of the Working Class | 21.09.2003 03:13 | Analysis
While we understand the meaning of the class struggle in the work place, bosses vs workers is a very real struggle, we have no idea what it means outside of this rather boring and uninteresting part of our lifes. Please abolish not liberate us, we're bored with this work shit it turns us into zombies. I've only escaped from it through plenty of breaks on the dole (with my lumpen, crim, student and 'peasant' comrades). I tend to stay away from people who call themselves 'class struggle' anarchists they are usually eaten up with the kind of class hatred and malice more suited to dividing the 'revolutionary' movement than creating a positive movement that really could change the system. No wonder so many of them are stooges (witting or unwitting) to the forces of counter revolution (as a recent post reveals). And worse of all they have no sense of humour (how do you tell a fascist from a libertarian, tell him a joke!). This is even truer for those state socialist wankers who think they know better than the rest of us.
But I don't want to be negative or attribute too much importance to these minority fanatics (let them keep their delusory religion if it makes their sad lives meaningful), I'd rather talk about something more positive were do we go from here.
For a start the working class are interested in a lot more than just 'class issues', we do have lives, we are not automatons in Karl's economic theory. Don't fucking patronize us. Our everyday lives are more important to us than the work place, we also have issues that transcend class, some of which unite our interests with middle class comrades (St Marx forbid). Some of us (particularly black and female comrades) have issues that are far more important to us even in the work place. In fact every member of the working class (and any class for that matter) has their own bunch of issue unique to their own life. So its bollocks to try and tell them what their interests are or find a 'global solution'. Too complex for you, then youre a thick bastard, its common sense to the rest of us.
I'm not gonna write a fucking thesis or suggest a solution, other than point out the blindingly obvious. If we want a 'revolution' or whatever you want to call it, we need to work together in solidarity to create a common future for us all. Liberating the working class requires liberating the middle class and every damn class you want to think up.
We all have our own issues, rooted in our unique place in the world, we know what they are and how to solve than better than anyone else! All we want is the power to do it.
The means to this is solidarity not division, especially not classism. If the Proletariat exists it is the sum of this solidarity.
The Working Class.
The Official Representitive of the Working Class