Ron Jeremy for President
5th column | 27.08.2003 05:25 | Repression | World
Ron Jeremy for President
August 26th 2003 13:25:00
by fi5th column | Politrix writer/media whore
This upcoming election, I hope Ron Jeremy is on the ballot. You've read it correctly, Ron Jeremy. There isn't one thing I would like more right now than to have someone in office who I at least don't have to worry about screwing me behind my back. No not at all Ron screws you to your face, it's what he's paid to do.
Looking at the current political events in the United States I've determined that President Bush is either a liar, or really stupid. Now when I say stupid, this would have to include his entire cabinet of warmaking gurus, Cheney, Powell, Rice, heck even the janitors there either must be lying through their teeth, or they all must be that stupid.
Look, I'm not a republican, nor am I a democrat, nor a liberal, conservative, neocon, or any other term you want to throw in the air, I am just an average tax paying website operator who is rather ticked off at the actions of those in office right now. So ticked off I decided to start this website to focus on bringing news that many would probably label biased, left-wing, conspiratory. I've heard all of the terms before and it impresses me little.
No I do not sit in the basement with Tempest shielding when I write, nor do I walk around looking over my shoulders when I leave my home. I'm an average person just like the typical American, obviously from my writing skills, one can tell I did not take any writing courses at any college, nor am I politically connected to anyone, again I am the same person as many of my readers.
Back to the Resident for a moment, please note that you will see me refer to Bush as a resident as I feel he is nothing more than that in the White House, a Resident. Presidents as opposed to Residents have a job to do for the American people, and I don't think one of the objectives was to lie to the public, or have your staff lie, and keep information from the public. Now I am not speaking about information such as geopolitical strategies, nor names of undercover anyone, I am speaking about certain situations that are occurring as we speak.
Good old George. George amuses me as a Resident, he really does, and I always take time off from whatever I am doing in order to watch his speeches on television. I sit amused at some of the things he says, and wonder if it's all a charade, or is he just that dyslexic. I know this is irrelevant, but it sure is funny.
So here goes my gripes about those in office, and why I would prefer Ron Jeremy over Bush. After watching the news this morning, I was a bit disturbed to see that an investigation to determine whether or not oil companies are influencing White House officials, has been stonewalled. Odd this would be stonewalled considering the public has the right to this information, and there should be no reason in the world why Cheney should not give the necessary documentation to the GAO. It's as clear as water, "The White House collaborated heavily with corporations in developing President Bush's energy policy but repeatedly refused to give congressional investigators details of the meetings, according to a federal report issued yesterday.
The General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of Congress, said in the report that Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham privately discussed the formulation of Bush's policy "with chief executive officers of petroleum, electricity, nuclear, coal, chemical and natural gas companies, among others."
An energy task force, led by Vice President Cheney, relied for outside advice primarily on "petroleum, coal, nuclear, natural gas, electricity industry representatives and lobbyists," while seeking limited input from academic experts, environmentalists and policy groups, the GAO said. [Washington Post article]
If Bush and company have nothing to hide, then why not release those documents. Prove to the public you're not hiding anything. I find it disturbing that Cheney can get away with this, but whenever I speak to Republicans about this, the subject is changed into how the democrats are manipulating this or that or that or this. Well I'll let everyone in on a big secret: I despise all political parties. They're all nothing but liars to me. Am I biased against one particular? No way, I call it how I see it, and with the information being released about their activities, it's surprising no one is calling for an independent investigation into the entire White House staff from the Resident on down.
Now some are going to say my statement is unfair, so let me leave this energy issue alone for a the rest of this article and focus on other news. Where should I begin though? Should it be with news of a $480billion dollar deficit? Nah too easy but here is a link for that if you want to puke at the statistics. Some will be quick to point out that maybe I'm using a biased source for information because I am referencing the same newspaper. I'm not, I'm just too lazy to open up another browser to find the same AP referenced article. Besides, no matter which site I choose, someone, somewhere, is going to find a bone to pick. I know, let me focus on what the White House forced the Enviornmental Protection Agency to do.
For nearly two years, officials at the federal Environmental Protection Agency have denied that they failed to properly inform New Yorkers of the dangers of toxic releases from the collapse of the World Trade Center.
But last week, an investigation released by the EPA's own inspector general made a stunning revelation: The trail of public health misinformation began inside the White House.
The news that White House staff ordered the EPA to minimize potential health dangers near Ground Zero was bad enough. But the details in the 165-page report about how the EPA lied to the public - and even subverted its own safety standards in the process - are chilling.
The original draft of a Sept. 13, 2001, EPA press release, for example, stated, "Even at low levels, EPA considers asbestos hazardous in this situation ..."
Staff members at the White House Council on Environmental Quality turned those words upside down.
"Short-term, low-level exposure [to asbestos] of the type that might have been produced by the collapse of theWorld Trade Center buildings is unlikely to cause significant health effects," the revised report stated.
EPA officials took the position early on that people living in the World Trade Center area should have large amounts of dust removed from their apartments by professional asbestos cleaners.
But White House staff removed any references to professional cleaning from the EPA's releases.[NY Daily News Article]
Say it isn't so, the White House putting citizens of New York in danger? Where are the republicans, and why aren't people looking to have this entire administration removed from office. Is it people enjoy being lied to, or is it because they think that the government would never do such a horrible thing. Sadly people will never realize what a terrible staff we have in office. They could only be lying, or they could only be that stupid to not know what is going on under their noses, and in either case, this entire White House administration should be investigated, and removed from office before the US ends up in worse shape than we are already.
So let me backtrack just a second. What? You think the excuse for them lying was justifiable because the country was already stricken with grief over 9/11? Well, wouldn't that have been a better time to be as truthful as possible instead of partaking in actions that could cause more people to die due to health risks. Health risks that were not disclosed to the public for some (either stupid or, stupid) reason.
Ok, I'll roll with the 'trying to protect the public' excuse for a bit, and move on to the news now.
Wait, I don't think I can bear it. With the death yesterday of another U.S. soldier in Iraq, the number of U.S. troops who have died there since May 1, when President Bush declared an end to major combat operations, rose to 138 -- the same number as perished during the six weeks of fighting that marked the fall of Baghdad and its immediate aftermath, according to Pentagon records. [Source] What can I add to this? We're losing soldiers. Not good news, let me move on.
Four days after Secretary of State Colin Powell made a pitch for council backing of his call for more forces, U.N. Ambassador John Negroponte acknowledged on Monday, "We're nowhere near a resolution on Iraq."
Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said the administration had not yet determined whether to seek a resolution.
A State Department official, asking not to be identified, said it was a difficult sell for the administration, given that many council members believe Washington is to blame for continuing security problems in Iraq.
The United Nations not willing to back the US? Nope not the news I was looking for either moving on. US authorities in Iraq were warned last week that a large-scale terrorist attack on a 'soft' target in Baghdad was being planned. The warning emerged as rescue teams searched the wreckage of the bombed UN headquarters where at least 20 people, including the senior UN envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello, died in yesterday's suicide truck bombing.
Not good news either. There is not much in the way of good news these days, and it seems many of the things being said lead to the following conclusions, a) Bush and his office are too incompetent to understand what is going on, b) Bush and his office know fully well what is going on, and are possibly breaking the law by allowing some of it to occur. See from my perspective I can conclude this which would make sense if you analyze it a bit: White House seeks UN help to curb the cost of war. UN says no perhaps due to bombing, which if the US knew about, as has been reported, allowed the bombing to happen. UN retaliates and tells Bush to kiss off. It wouldn't make no sense for Bush to ask for help anyway since he is claiming that we don't need anymore troops. CRAWFORD, Tex., Aug. 25 -- President Bush's advisers launched a campaign today to build public patience for the administration's Iraq policies, responding to mounting criticism by arguing that there is no need for more troops to counter swelling violence in the U.S.-occupied country. So if no troops are needed, then why oh why George were you ready to send your staff to plead with the UN for help. Then you turn them down because you don't want to relinquish authority in Iraq.
Something sure smells fishy there Mr. Resident, I suggest your think tanks script up a heck of a lot of 'background chatter' (if you will) to hide the a) incompetence or b) the lies. There are so many fun things I would like to point out, but it would take forever and a day to sort through the see-saw information coming out of the White House these days. Personally I don't know what to believe, but judging on the news, either the White House is filled with morons, or liars, take your pick. As for me, next year I hope Ron Jeremy runs for President, this way at least I can expect a major screwing in office straight to my face, and not behind my back
5th column