What is on researcher's mind?
14.08.2003 21:29 | Analysis | Cambridge | London
Time to time I stop pondering 'what do these people want to tell each other in the government or commercial mass media'? Life generally speaking seem to be in a constant chaos, were different people tell so much and still say so little, if anything, or say (first) things without thinking what they say or how they express themselves.
Information becomes an empty shell without any real content. Should we stick in something be could observe and measure, or do we allow people use their rich language to express freely their own ideas and opinions? On the other hand, even the idea of communicating only with pure information would be suitable only to most driest members of informatics. And some robots too, possibly even to MIT or Technical University folks in their restricted context of science - you see, unfortunately the concept of life is a bit more complex we usually understand it, and technocrats way of saying things usually causes confusion among humanists. And vice versa.
We form our opinion based on our cultural background, upbringing, economical and social background, our educational level, life experiences and real life stories, not to forget our extent of understanding. And usually our understanding becomes better, when we grow up, since during people's life cycle they are usually able to meet some realities of life (e.g. wars, conflicts etc. simple facts of life making you think differently).
When writing down an article and publishing it to people, one must bear in mind, that people do interpret the read text differently; having watched BBS's documentation on second Word War, do not (necessary) mean, that United Kingdom would be provocative towards Germany or any other nation simply because telling their version of this unfortunate conflict. - Smart people usually filter both propaganda and ideological brain wash attempts (Reference: Military psychologist W