Danger on the WEb
bollockschops turns jewish | 09.08.2003 12:52 | Analysis | London
we the freedom loving and peace loving citizens of the world sshould take a deep
breath and go to WWW.DAVIDICKE.COM and click on the SYMBOLISM archive to uncover the reverse symbolism and hidden meaning in the "supporting Israel" nessage in this website
check out this sick puppies on www.freemasn.org
You should have noticed that nerdy posting about the "unjust stoning to death of islamic woman" as if that somehow excuses the 50 yrs old "STATE OF ISRAEL" or "STATE OF Absurdities" illegal and barbaric actions against the people of palestine
we must keep tabs on these Jewish and American Extremists.....simply put
so go down to the davidicke.com website and discover the true meaning of the symbolism of the "Flag of the state of israel" and the hand with the torch which is a reverse symbolic message of mass mind manipulation and fear enhancment via the NOT SO COVERT CIA/MOSSAD bombing operations around the planet like 911,er BALI and um THE PENTAGON and now most recently the um JAKARTA MICRO NUCLEAR EXPLOSION.....
no car bomb can make an explosive devise work in reverse which is what the international perenially lying "media"woul;d have us believe if we were to notice the facing direction of the debris from the explosion....like the windows of the hotel exploded outwards pointing to an internal explosive device and not a "home made terrorist car bomb"
duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh nice try assholes wer'e watching you watching us....
bollockschops turns jewish
www.freeman.org www.davidicke.com