WSIS Preparatory Conference Opened in Geneva
Imc Uk | 19.02.2003 23:00 | Indymedia | Repression | Technology | World
On Monday 17 February, President of Prepcom Adama Samassekou opened the second preparatory conference for the WSIS - Prepcom 2. The aim of the conference, according to Samassekou, is to achieve a better understanding about content and themes of the summit. During the coming two weeks, the final declaration of the WSIS as well as the action plan will be drafted. The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) will be the first UN summit to focus on issues of information and communication. The first part of the summit will take place in Geneva in December 2003.
Several fundamental lines of conflict already became apparent during the opening event; for example between those who propagate technology as a solution of all problems, and those who would like to extend the summit agenda to cultural and fundamental communicative issues. Diverse groups and organisations of civil society are participating in the summit preparations and will use the Prepcom to create networks, develop their own ideas, and influence the agenda in a positive way. At the same time a counter-summit is being discussed and campaigns around WSIS are already being developed.
Imc Uk