Find out why tony Blair is supporting ariel sharon
Hunphrey Bogass | 16.07.2003 12:19 | Globalisation | London
Have you noticed the significance of ARIEL SHARONS VISIT FALLING EXACTLY ON FULL MOON? {click on symbolism first}
forget about what you have been taught because I promise you that it is all total shit and utter crap.....
If it is really in your heart to change this world then you will need to study witchcraft and then you will understanbd the meaning of the lions in trafalgar5 square,AND NELSONS column and all the stranger pillars with acorns on westminster bridge.....
Alll of these things use the science of "geomancy" or "fengshui" to harness negative or positive earth moon sun and solar and star energies,like the van allen radiation belt.....etc.....
freemasonry has reached the same point of knowledge as has the ancient "Feng Shui" practitioners of ancient china and japan etc ,the only difference being that the chinese guys use it for beneficial reasons whereas the freemasons don't.....
ALL of the buildings of whitehall,aropund buckingham palace ,and the city of london have been designed and placed according to the laws of Masonic Geomancy to specific divert all of the unseen slar and cosmic energies to control and oppress millions while the select few rule over you with the "police"
If you think this is crap then click on the "symbolism" in the "site menu" of
This is why the government and the royal family always choose specific dates for official visits and opening of parliaments,always in accordance with carefully concealed satanic rituals like the yearly coronation,or "trooping of the colour"
Then you will know why Diana was murdered/sacrificed
And why you should do all you can to study freemasonry,satanic practises,witchcraft etc.....
Hunphrey Bogass