WHY NOT pester these DSEi-related people by EMAIL?
Hugh Jones | 14.07.2003 15:11 | DSEi 2003 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Repression
WHY NOT give the people organising the DSEi a bit of hassle. They're obviously finding it a little too easy to sleep at nights. Write them a well thought out balanced letter arguing your case. Or ask awkward questions. Or whatever you feel is appropriate. Needless to say I wouldn't advocate anyone being at all unpleasant to these thoroughly decent and honorable members of society.
As an example here are my letters which I wrote. They're a bit crap but it doesn't matter...

Dear Spearhead Exhibitions Ltd,
I would like to make a few enquiries regarding the forthcoming Defence Systems & Equipment International conference at the ExCel Centre in London (Sept 9th - 12th).
Firstly, will companies be promoting any products whose purpose it is to kill, maim or torture human beings?
Secondly, will military technology be on offer to governments of countries which are currently at war with oneanother or to regimes on Amnesty International's list of countries with serious human rights concerns?
I would also add that there are many governments of highly impoverished nations which would do better to spend their money on providing food, water, healthcare and education for their people, not to mention investing in development. Many of these governments are not even nominally democracies and so their decisions cannot be said to represent the will of their people.
Will these governments be encouraged to purchase highly expensive military technology?
Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Hugh Jones
Writing as an individual on behalf of myself.

Will any companies at this year's DSEi be promoting products whose purpose is to kill or maim or torture human beings? Will these products be on offer to governments on Amnesty International's list of countries with serious human rights concerns? Will any be sold to countries currrently in armed conflict with oneanother?
Will illegal landmines be for sale at this year's DSEi?
Will cluster bombs be on sale? Will carcinogenic depleted uranium weapons be on sale?
Will products procured at this year's DSEi be used against civilians? (During the 1990s, around 90% of casualties of war were civilians, including many women and children.)
How do you sleep at night?
Would all the money in the world ever buy back your soul??
What do you have to say for yourself???
Hugh Jones
Writing as an individual on behalf of myself.

I see that there appears to be nothing scheduled at the ExCel Centre between 4th August and 16th Sept.
Are these dates available to be booked?
Many thanks,
Hugh Jones
Hugh Jones