The Unquestioned Criminal to Humanity
Zihannasheen | 10.07.2003 08:24 | Analysis | World
‘Though there is savagery of every sort, and worse, prevalent everywhere in the world, the world indeed is civilized now. No doubt people now are mentally far more wretched than they ever have been, but the earth is a hopeful and better place to live in.’ says the modern gentleman, UNO & Co. ‘Life is glorious! All blessings are endlessly showered on her under our aegis... Of course there are problems too, but the cause of them all is the growing population. We've six billion people living on this planet! Can you imagine the formidability of this affair!? All we need direly to do is to control the birthrate. And then the world will automatically turn into THE HEAVEN. God will Himself come and sweep your room for you. He will clean all the mines implanted in various places during and after the Second World War. He will purge all the poisonous substances that we scatter everyday everywhere on land, in air, in water. He will exchange his golden garments for your rags. We will crucify him again and again and punish him for our sins. We will anoint our bodies with his blood for our divine ablutions... And most important of all, He will Himself carry on His back all the mountains of rubbish, garbage, litter, rags, venom etc. to His heaven. Believe us, ladies and gentlemen, this will indeed turn true — because He has promised that, you know.
‘Only please control the birthrate! Let nobody have more than two children, if one isn't enough.’
There is a wide applause.
In the Assembly of the Modern Gentleman, the Civilized Man looks at all the genuine and in-genuine faces so much concerned with the welfare of humanity. He wholeheartedly appreciates the family-planning projects. Once again he claps his hands red. Thereafter he announces: We shall do our best to support your projects... My government will raise funds for your honorable plans. You will have no problems to succeed in your mission.
Happiness in donned on in tons on the countenances of the intellectuals, obstetricians, bureaucrats, journalists and statesmen.
The world-media fills the ears of everybody with the Civilized Man's generosity and his magnanimous concern for the continuation of the civilization and its better future.
That very night the Civilized Man whispers in his wife's ear: ‘These idiots consider me an eunuch! Family-planning, eh! Let me produce the proof that I'm still virile! Let me shut down their silly mouths!’
‘But, my lord!’ his wife suggests, ‘we already have three children and all excellent by health and mind!’
‘So what! If I'm to contest in the next elections, a new child will bring us grace. We'll take him for the election-campaign during its infancy itself.’
The Civilized Man's ambition succeeds. World-media doesn't ignore to proclaim it to the public.
Khalil Gibran isn't alive in the world of The Modern Gentleman and the Civilized Man. Otherwise he would have written: PITY THE WORLD!
No honest poet was there to hear the news. Had there been any, he would have inscribed in his album:
Congratulations to the Civilized Man and his wife for the new proof of their virility and fecundity!
Congratulations to the world-media for having succeeded to penetrate it into the ears of the Civilized Man and his wife that the world-population has already crossed six billion!
Congratulations to the Civilized Man and his wife for having successfully reduced to shambles: uncountable cries of family-planning, life's labor of many an intellectuals, a hundred thousand urges of a million genuine voices! Congratulations to the couple for so easily having rendered all such researches, talks, debates and worries into a mere heap of mere nonsense!
Felicitations to the expecting-couple for having indeed proved themselves as civilized as any snuff-consuming, rags-ridden, uneducated Muslim fundamentalist of some far-flung tribal area, left untouched by the gems of civilization, culture, human rights and other gossips!
Felicitations to the UN Population Fund for their so successfully providing their services to the needy — that too under their very nose!
Felicitations to the Civilized Man's Civilized Party for having such a great and in-callous gentleman as their chief!
Congratulations to the whole Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Australia for their unbrute great heroes!
And felicitations to the world-media for making news of trifles!
Congratulations, O Bosses of the World! You're definitely leading us into the promising land of the New Millennium.
And, had you had the honor to meet any real poet to discuss the issue, he would ask you: ‘Can there be any crime more severe against the humanity than the Civilized Man's? The crime that out of sheer brutality tramples under his feet the towering researches of a great truth-value achieved by tremendous mental effort and dedication of genuine scholars with concern for the human species, and honored by the Civilized Man's kingdom herself.
‘And yet the same Civilized Man, intoxicated by his all bestial being, holds power and support of the media to declare himself the ardent supporter of holy missions declaring wars, saying: “We must act... to avert humanitarian disaster.” ’