9/11 - It's the arms-trade stupid!!!
Mathew Shaw | 04.07.2003 11:00 | Indymedia | London | World
There are two versions of the September 11 story - the version for idiots that could not give a damn about planetary affairs and the enlightened version for those that care. For various reasons, mostly selfishness, cowardice, ignorance and denial, the few that understand what really happened that day have chosen not to spread the word, presumably in the assumption that there is going to be some grand date on the calendar when everybody finally gets to find out about what the whole thing was about. Given the many thousands of people that are illegally detained in order to make The War Against Terrorism almost believable and the need for tens of thousands of New York people to find ‘closure’, September 11 2003 provides a unique opportunity for a ‘grand day’ and a settling of scores…
It is no secret that September 11 2001 was ‘only’ a protest against the arms-trade fair, hence the targets - arms = Pentagon, WTC = trade. The actions were timed to coincide with the opening of the DSEi arms-trade fair that opened in London’s Docklands and had absolutely nothing to do with some bloke in a cave, except for in the popular imaginations of 6.3 billion people that are gullible enough to believe what our great leaders have to say.
One reason why the attacks were so big, spectacular and shocking was to wake people up in order that they (and it is always they) might take control of their lives and do something to stop war, e.g. by calling for an immediate global ban on the arms trade.
Obviously, big government knew about what was going on, as did the organizers of the arms-trade fair, and they used their friends in the media to tell the huge lie about some bloke in a cave out to attack us all. The next day ‘they’ went to NATO to get their war, circumventing Parliament and Congress and never presenting any evidence to support their case.
Make no doubts about it, this was the crime of the century, and the moment the big lie was told the government crossed the line from ‘democracy’ to tyranny. As well as illegal wars of aggression overseas untold Big Brother laws were introduced at home, along with detention without trial for anyone vaguely Arab.
Although the world bought the bloke in the cave story as explanation for the tragedy the ‘clash of civilizations’ never really kicked off as planned so not all is lost, and we can get life on Earth back on track remarkably easily, just by getting the world to understand the truth about the huge lie that was told that day.
It is all far too tempting for people to claim not to believe the fact that 9/11 was a protest against the arms-trade and for them to run around stupid, thinking that these things do not matter – but they do. So, what are you going to do about it?
A good starting point is to get with the story – look no further than here for the most accurate version of what actually happened –

Do a little bit of thinking for yourself, and get a campaign on the go...
You might want to start a letter writing campaign to Amnesty International, begging and pleading with them to give a toss, or take matters a little bit further...
September 12 2002 might be an excellent day for a global strike-for-one-day or a global holiday-for-one-day, all in the name of truth, justice and education - all that is required is a little bit of organizing… Who knows, what might happen with a bit of determined work now… There could even be some mega huge event in London where everyone that has worked on this story has some kind of get together to celebrate a New World Order where people are pleasant to one another for a change... Who knows...
The 9/11 story leaves every politician on the planet dead in the water - the minute it is told - so you might want to put together your own political campaign - an end to the arms trade, something about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, fair trade, a new Baghdad university - that type of thing - or you could just let others do the work for you, sit on the sidelines and not get involved. The choice is yours!
Mathew Shaw