Tom Paine. | 13.06.2003 09:37
He got rid of the only person (Milburn) who is a bigger phoney than Phoney himself.
Brown knows from bitter experience that a phoney is more dangerous, in the race for the prime ministership, than almost anyone else.
Brown threatened Phoney with exposure on the WMD fiasco if he did not step down.
Brown has shown remarkable patience since Phoney failed to keep his side of the bargain re. the transfer of power.
Milburn was offered a demotion by Phoney but would not accept.
Out he went to bide his time.
He thinks he may be in a better position to challenge Brown, when the time comes,from the outside.
Milburn also knows that Phoney is in imminent danger from what may come out (especially in The US) on the WMD and other, as yet, unexposed scandals.
Phoney is determined, in the time he has left, to tinker with and destroy as much of England as he can.
He has botched everything he has gone near.
The NHS, Schools, Transport,The Lords and even The Lord Chancellor in chaos.
Criminal responsibility for disarming the children of Iraq.
Our boys stuck in the middle of a guerrilla war in Iraq with no exit strategy.
What a clown. He must go now.
Tom Paine.