Encryption/Decryption //Message Encrypter- By Jean (cee@post.com) //Script featured on Dynamic Drive //Visit http://www.factbook.fr.st for this script and more len=0; function CalcKey() { len=0; var temp=document.Encrypt.Key.value; for(i=0;i<temp.length;i++) { len=len+temp.charCodeAt(i); } if(len==0) { alert('Please Enter the appropriate Key'); document.Encrypt.Key.focus(); } return len; } function Encryption() { CalcKey(); document.Encrypt.Encrypted.value=""; var txt=document.Encrypt.normal.value; var net=""; var fin=0; if(len>0) { if(txt.length>0) { for(i=0;i<txt.length;i++) { fin=txt.charCodeAt(i)+len; if(fin>99) { net=net+fin; } else { net=net+'0'+fin; } } document.Encrypt.Encrypted.value=net; document.Encrypt.normal.value=""; } else { alert('Please Enter the Text to be Encrypted'); document.Encrypt.normal.focus(); } } } function Decryption() { var txt=document.Encrypt.Encrypted.value; var j=3; var temp1; var res=""; CalcKey(); if(len>0) { if(txt.length>0) { for(i=0;i<txt.length;i+=3) { var temp=txt.substring(i,j); temp1=(parseInt(temp)-len); var t=unescape('%'+temp1.toString(16)); if(t=='%d' || t=='%a') { res=res+' '; } else { res=res+t } j+=3; } document.Encrypt.normal.value=res; document.Encrypt.Encrypted.value=""; } else { alert('Please Enter the Encrypted Text'); document.Encrypt.Encrypted.focus(); } } }
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