NWBTCW Post - war discussion day London Sat 28 June
Ricky Martin | 06.06.2003 14:12
11 am to 5 pm at LARC 62 Fieldgate Street, London.
Near Whitechapel Tube Station. Oragnized by No War but the Class War.
28 June 2003
11 am to 5 pm
62 Fieldgate Street, London
Near Whitechapel Tube Station
What was the war really all about?
Oil? US Domestic situation? Crisis? World domination? Iraq? The dollar?
What will happen next?
Syria? Iran? Europe / US war? China / US war? Global revolution?
What was the anti-war movement really all about?
Dis-satisfaction with our everyday lives? Bourgeois liberal fuse box?
Growing anti-globalisation movement? Xenophobic Anti-Americanism?
What can we do about it?
Everyone welcome!! This will be a day of open discussion and
participation. We will have a couple of talks planned, but if you want to
give or help with a talk or any other ideas, please e-mail
There are lots of interesting things to read at:
Ricky Martin