"AMERICAN NIGHTMARE" – An explosive book by Sbancor
Nuovi Mondi Media | 30.05.2003 09:23
A Sbancor's book. An assumed name behind which one known and highly considered expert in international finance hides and whose indentity is known only by a few.
An unique and unusual book, whose appeal and originality are in the perfect mixture of meditations and personal recollections, severe analysis and tale. A well grounded essay narrated with tight thriller-style.
Through Ted's story, involved in all cover-up CIA operations of the last 30 years, and other dubious and powerful figures'story (Richard Armitage, the actual US Assistant Secretary of State , Zbigniew Brzezinsky, Henry Kissinger, former intelligence officers, Mafia members, military industry complex representatives, middle eatern bankers, oil magnates) secretly pulling the strings of the worldwide politics since years, Sbancor investigates a stunning variety of topics:
- the 911 attack mysteries;
- the unmentionable reasons of the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and in other countries;
- the puzzling relationship between the US military operations and the economic recovery;
- the displacement of the geopolitical chessboard's centre in the eurasian heart, along the "silk route", turned to be the oil and drug route;
- in the background, more unwholesome stories: the Iran Contras Affair, the Watergate scandal, the assassination of Kennedy, the "Phoenix operation", the Waco slaughter, the murder of Maria Grazia Cutuli, the Genoa-G8 trap.
As defined by Valerio Evangelisti in his introduction, Sbancor is "an incredible machine of memory preservation which slowly spiteful dismantles the US political, economical and military system logics and structures piece by piece", uncovering the truth behind the "new american century". One century of wars and dollars, according to Sbancor, "a nightmare that is turning the world to hell". The American Nightmare.
“From the extraordinary Nuovi Mondi Media breeding ground, the publisher which lately seems the more incisive in cultural offer and innovation, the long awaited book comes out like a slowly inflammatory lapillus, written by one of the most mysterious and highly respected voices of the italian counterculture: the legendary Sbancor. Who is he? Is he an high finance poppy? A grey bank clerk who gathers backstairs rumors? How old is he? Where does he live? We can prudently answer: Sbancor is an international finance expert who holds a prestigious position in one of the main italian finance reality and only a few know his identity. Three years ago his Diario di guerra was published by Derive/Approdi. You can read Sbancor's well informed and detalied subversive comments on Indymedia, Rekombinant and Information Guerrilla web sites. Among Sbancor's works, Nuovi Mondi Media has published American Nightmare, one of the most interesting books of the current year: a sort of reportage-novel and essay worth a reliable alternative information data bank – a sort of Ellroy's thriller-like osmosing with a Ziegler's assault. It all preluded by a very sharp Valerio Evangelisti's introduction.”
Review by writer Giuseppe Genna on Clarence web portal
AMERICAN NIGHTMARE – 176 pages, 12 Euro – ISBN 88-900630-7-6
"We're the children of a ravaged world who are trying to reborn into a new world to be created. Learning to become human is the only radical attitude." (Raoul Vaneigen)
By these times of information monopoly, an independent voice, proud to be so.
Having the ambition to give alternatives. Those ones we wish to read ourselves.
To find the unsaid, beyond the influence of the mass media industry, to keep the main values and topics close, bringing the international cultural debate to Italy. Through a new
fusion of books and web, bookwork and internet. To communicate, in a free way,
through any necessary media.
Nuovi Mondi Media