Electricians Strike in Manchester
Anarchist supporter | 21.05.2003 23:56
You are all aware of the shortfall of thousands of skilled Electricians. Yet many of our colleagues are unemployed, despite being the chapest Electricians in the European Union. Many greedy employers are filling our positions with unskilled labour, carrying out electrical duties for as little as half our national rate. Many skilled Electricians who do obtain work are employed on CIS 4 or composite company schemes. Yet rule 17 of the National Agreement insists every effort must be made to offer, no matter how short term, employment on a direct employed basis.
DEMONSTRATION 9.00am Thursday 29th may 2003.
We are calling on all Electricians to join us at Piccadilly Gardens No. 1 Site in the first of a campaign of demonstrations at sites we know the above contraventions of Health and Safety Legislation and National Agreement are taking place. The employers will continue to use cheap labour at the expense of skilled Electricians.
We cannot ignore this fight. We are fighting for our jobs. We need your support.
Join us on the 29th May at 9.00am at Piccadilly gardens.
Anarchist supporter